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Harry's POV

We headed into an empty café and ordered some drinks and the waitress half-heartedly took them down. Ron had no idea what Hermione and I had ordered. As the waitress walked away, we began talking in hushed tones.

"Where should we go first?" Ron asked.

"I-I don't know," I said, I seriously had no idea where to go.

"You mean Dumbledore never told you where to look?" Ron said in bewilderment.

"That doesn't matter, Ron. What matters is we know what we have to find, but where to look for them, that's going to be hard, we knew that when we agreed to help Harry," Hermione said.

We continued to discuss our plans. We heard the little jingle of the bell ringing over the door that signaled someone had entered. We paid them no mind, until they started ordering. Ron watched them for five seconds, inching his hand to his wand, suspicion rolling in his eyes.

Suddenly, they turned around and fired spells at us. Ron fired back as he turned over our table and we ducked behind it.

"Death Eaters," he whispered as they continued to pelt our table.

Hermione and I nodded and drew our wands and started to retaliate. I caught one in the chest and he fell back, knocking his head on the counter.

The other was still firing. Hermione then shot at him and he fell back behind the counter. We ran around and just before he could reach for his wand, Hermione yelled, "Pertrificus totalus."

He froze. We stared at him and his friend trying to calm our nerves from this fray.

"What should we do with them?" I asked.

"We need to wipe their memories," Hermione said, "If we don't, they'll go to Voldemort and he'll come after us."

"He's already after us, Hermione," Ron said.

"Oh you know what I mean," she huffed in annoyance.

She pointed her wand at them and recited the charm only she was good at, "Obliviate."

After she was done, we quickly left the café and headed down the street.

A hard wind started to blow, and right after the wind started blowing, I heard a whisper, "Run."

It was Tammy's whisper and I knew I didn't imagine it. Behind us came a soft thud as boots hit pavement. "Run," I said and without a second's hesitation, they ran, I had to struggle to catch up with them. I could hear the boots running behind us coming closer, trying to catch us.

I felt fingers lightly touch my neck and that made me run faster. We rounded a corner and grabbed onto Hermione and we were suddenly sucked into a vacuum.

I knew who was after us. I knew whose fingers touched my neck. I knew who whispered for me to run. It was the same person, the one who was sent to find me. My own flesh and blood. Tammy. And she was also the one who saved us.

I silently thanked my sister as we showed up in front of Number Twelve Grimald Place.

Tammy's POV

I got a tip saying that a dark-haired boy was spotted walking into a café with a brunette and a redhead. I immediately burst into action. I was ten minutes away from the café.

When I came into the café, all I saw was damage, two Death Eaters on the ground. Fools. They may be kids, but they were highly skilled kids, just like me.

I exited the café and looked up and down the street. I decided to go right and used the wind.

As I turned the corner I spotted them walking down the street, in no rush, no hurry. I knew more Death Eaters would arrive, they needed to run, get out of here.

I used the Whispering Breeze. "Run." Was all I said as I sent it out.

Using the wind I went to catch up with them. I knew my whisper reached him as he suddenly tensed up. I heard him whisper and suddenly they were running. I touched down and ran after them. I drew out my wand, who knows who could be watching. I reached out my hand just as I was feet behind them, and let my fingers run down Harry's neck, so he knew it was me. He turned a corner and before I could turn it, I heard a pop and they were gone.

I gave a harsh sigh, anyone who heard it would think it was out of frustration, you never know who might be watching. But behind the frustrated sigh and the annoyed face, I was relieved. He managed to escape once again. But how much longer before I catch him? Or worse, how much longer before they notice my hesitation?

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