Back to the Manor

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YES!!!! I finally came up with another chapter!!!! Two months of busy work and going to and from my laptop without a single idea coming to me, and here it is! Enjoy this chapter!!!


But of course I couldn't stay with them forever; I had to leave at some point. The Death Eaters were probably starting to question my loyalty since I haven't contacted them in a while.

I told Harry that I would find them as soon as I could.

I left them after I found them a week ago. If I could I would have stayed.

I made my way back to the Malfoy Manor, worried about what was awaiting me when I got there.

Well, when I got there, I was greeted with silence. The house seemed empty. I shouted if anyone was around, no one answered.

I sighed and started up to my room. The floorboards creaked as I made my way down the hall. The sunlight came as slants through a slightly open door here and there as I walked to my room.

It was a bit eerie coming back to this place. My body screamed at me to get out, my mind said I couldn't go, not yet. Why? Because my heart kept telling me to keep going. So I did.

When I got to my room, I stared at the door. For some reason, I hesitated. I almost wanted to turn back around but I reached for the knob anyway and turned it slowly.

When the door opened, the first thing I noticed was my window. It was open and a breeze was rolling in. The curtain was fluttering lightly and the sun was pouring in. By looking at my room, you would never have guessed that it was a part of a house that has been the home for people who are made entirely of pure evil.

That is, until you looked at my bed.

On my bed under the covers was a lump, completely covered by my blanket. Besides the mysterious lump, my room looked the same.

I approached the lump and took out my wand. I poked it carefully and it in turn stirred slightly.

"Get out of my bed, or I'll make you," I said in a strong voice.

The lump stiffened immediately, then it moved fast. It jumped out from the covers on the other side of the bed. And standing there wand drawn was a disheveled Draco.

"Tammy?" he asked as his eyes started focusing on me.

"What the hell happened to you, Draco?" I said as I lowered my wand slowly and hesitantly.

His hair was a mess, like he hadn't brushed it in weeks. He looked like he didn't shave either. He had dark bags under his eyes that almost looked like he had been punched in both eyes.

The sight of him had pity and guilt shooting through my very person.

Pity because he looked so defeated and terrible. Guilt because I left him here to feel that way.

Then all of a sudden, I felt this jolt of emotion rip through my heart. The powerful urge to run at him took over my body. And I let it.

I ran around the bed and I engulfed him in a hug. I pressed my body to his and my heart was suddenly filled with love and passion. It struck me like a ton of bricks, because I haven't felt this way in a very long time. And for the first time in forever, I felt complete.

Draco froze for a second and only a second before he hugged me with equal strength and passion as mine was.

I loosened my hold so I could look up into his face. When our eyes locked, it wasn't long before our lips did too.

It was a long and passionate kiss. I ignored the stubble and took in the warmth. The sun shining on us and our bodies so close, it felt like heaven to me. It lasted forever but it was over in a second.

Our breathing had become ragged as our foreheads came together and our noses brushed each others lightly.

"I missed you," he whispered.

"I know. I missed you too," I whispered back.

He shook his head, yet managed to keep his forehead on mine. "It was complete and utter torture being away from you for so long," he said, sadness stained his voice so much that it tugged at my heartstrings and tears were brimming in my eyes.

"If I had the choice, I would never want to leave your side again, Draco," I said, forcing all the love I could muster into my voice so he knew that it was true.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. He put his finger under my chin and brought me to look him in the eyes. As I did, more tears made their way from my eyes to his finger still under my chin.

"I love you, Tammy, with all my heart and soul. My mind is always filled with thoughts of you. My body has yearned for your touch in so long," he said, bringing my face closer to his.

"Draco," I said softly, "You are my life and I'm sorry that I hurt you and put you through any and all pain, but know now that I love you and I will forever love you."

He brought my lips to his, and though this kiss was much shorter, it was way sweeter than the last.

But this moment, like most and all happy moments, never last forever.

It came to an abrupt end when we heard a loud and shrill shriek coming from downstairs.


I owe this chapter to my inspiration in my time of need...BEYONCE!!! Seriously. I was just listening to some of her songs and this is the product of it all. I hope you all liked it. I will try to make another chapter. If my lovely readers are still with me, I left a cliffhanger for you. Please wait for me.

Much Love,


Tam Riddle: The Story That Never Ends (HP Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang