Kill Everying in My Path

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Tammy's POV

I stood watching the magical barrier between me and my prey start to dissolve as the Dark Lord turned his evil might upon it. I had to wait. I was told to wait. When the barrier was finally completely dissolved, He unleashed his army upon the castle.

I felt my blood run cold as the castle exploded and screams could be heard from within.

"You know your duty, Tammy," He said to me. "GO!"

And I dissolved into the wind and headed towards the school. My mission began. Find Harry Potter and kill EVERYONE who got in my way.



I silently screamed within my head while I sat in the corners of my mind helplessly watching myself. I was striking down people left and right. Students who were trying to run and hide. Death Eaters who just wouldn't move out of my way fast enough. Everyone that stood in my way, was killed and I could do nothing to stop myself.

Something had happened. A spell maybe, I don't know. But whatever it was, it took over my body and did the Dark Lord's bidding.

I tried to fight it. I could feel it working just a little bit as my body hesitated every now and then, but I wasn't strong enough.

Then it clicked. There was only one curse that could have done this. The Imperius Curse.


Draco's POV

I ran through the school to try and catch up to Potter.

I followed him all the way to the Room of Requirement. I had to confront him. I wanted my wand back.

Yea I was borrowing my mother's and it was a powerful wand, but it was missing something. The familiarity wasn't there like with my own. I could also feel my mother's wand resist me every now and again. Not completely wanting to do my bidding.

I wanted my wand back and then I could do him in to the Dark Lord...right?

But I knew that if I found Potter, Tammy would almost definitely be with him. I've been within the confines of the school for the last five days and I haven't seen her, now we know Potter is here so she must be as well.


Harry's POV

Gotta find it! Time is not on my side right now, I must find the Horcrux!

It's somewhere in this blasted room. Why did everyone have to hide things in here. Why was there a toilet seat hidden in here?! This should be the place where junk ha-

I spun around and looked at a small table. THERE!

I could hear it, it's like it was speaking to me. Beckoning me to come closer. So I did.

I opened the little box and there it was. Ravenclaw's Lost Diadem.

"Potter!" I heard a familiar sneer.

I turned around and put on a serious face. "Malfoy," I sneered right back. He had Crabbe and Goyle flanking him all of their wands pointed straight at me.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me," he said as his eyes flicked to the wand in my right hand.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes and tightened my grip on the wand I held.

"It's my mother's. It's powerful, but it doesn't quite understand me, know what I mean?" he said as he eyed the wand he still pointed at me.

Then Goyle whispered into his ear and the expression on Malfoy's face darkened.

"I don't want to have to hurt you, Potter," he said with a look on his face as if it literally pained him to say it. "For Tammy's sake, I don't want to hurt you."

"Don't you dare speak her name!" I suddenly yelled. They all jumped at my sudden furious outburst. "You didn't stop her from becoming a Death Eater like you. You let her get raped!" There was so much fury in my words and within myself. The Horcrux was starting to affect me. I had to destroy it soon.

I don't remember what happened but Hermione and Ron suddenly appeared and spells were being exchanged between our group and theirs. But in the bustling, the Horcrux was knocked out of my hand, I turned on the spot and headed after it.

Goyle yelled, "Avada Kedavra!" He had aimed it at Hermioe, thankfully she ducked out of the way just before it hit her.

"That's my girlfriend you just tried to kill!" Ron shouted as he started firing spell after spell at them and chased them through the maze of junk.

Wow, he finally asked Hermione out. Good on him, I thought, but I had to focus for now.

I started pushing things aside trying to find where the Horcrux fell. Hermione came over and started helping me.

"So you and Ron, eh?" I asked her as we pushed and pulled things out of our way.

She blushed. "Yes, down in the Chamber of Secrets...we kind of...kissed," she said, her face getting redder than Ron's hair.

I stopped and placed my hand on her shoulder. "I'm happy for you guys," I said with a smile, she smiled back. "He's had a crush on you for as long as I've known the guy."

She blushed again and went back to looking for the Horcrux.

We finally found it stuck under a couch when Ron came running back screaming.

"What? What's wrong, Ron?" Hermione asked as he started dragging her toward the door.

"Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" he screamed. We all started sprinting as the room erupted into flames behind us.

And so we proceeded to do what we have been doing for almost the whole year, run for our lives.


This chapter is quite short. I'm gonna post up the next chapter within the next couple of days. It's done but there should be time between chapter publishings don't you think? And I'm going to bring in a tragic death that should have been mentioned in the movie.

Much Love,

Courtney <3

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