Bellatrix Lestrange

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Our heads shot towards the door. We stared at it then looked at each other. We rushed to the door, my hand in his. I took a peek out the door and down the hall towards the stairs. We didn't hear any other noises.  Everything suddenly went quiet. We looked back at each other.

"Should we go check it out?" he whispered softly in my right ear.

I nodded my head as I felt his warm breath on my ear. I couldn't say a word because of that simple act. Stupid Tammy, get it together.

We made our way down the hall then slowly down the stairs. I brought out my wand as did he.

Nothing, not a sound. It was like a barrier of silence was cast on us and no sound could penetrate it, not even the steps creaking beneath our feet.

It was strange, it felt like everything just stopped. When we got to the bottom, we could hear murmurs coming from the living room. We took cautious steps toward the door. I looked at Draco and he kept his eyes intently on the door. I breathed out and reached for the knob.

His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. I made a small noise and the murmurs stopped. I looked at him, he had a finger to his lips signaling me to shut up.

Then we heard a scream, a yell and we saw a flash of green light shine out from under the door. My eyes went big and I took a sharp intake of breath. His arm flew around my shoulder and he started leading me back away from the door.

Then we heard someone yell, "Where is she?!"

We knew instantly whose voice that belonged to. Bellatrix Lestrange.

"If the Dark Lord comes back and we have nothing on her, we'll be punished. Stupid Crabbe. Coming here without her. I told him not to come back unless he had her. The fool!" she yelled, maybe to herself or to others in the room.

I looked at Draco, I knew she was talking about me. He gave a little nod. I straightened myself out and walked to the door. I opened it slowly.

When it was fully open, I saw four figures in the room standing around a body on the floor.

I cleared my throat, catching their attention. Their heads whipped around to look at me.

Bellatrix, Lucius, Narcissa, and Snape. I would never call him by his first name. These four seemed to shoot daggers at me with their eyes.

"Where have you been, stupid girl?!" Bellatrix screamed at me as she stomped her way over to me.

"You better stop right there before I cause you to spontaneously combust," I told her when she was a mere ten feet away. It may seem far, but it was close enough to feel the rage flowing off her in massive waves.

"How dare you speak to me that way!" she yelled. "You wouldn't dare harm me, I am one of the Dark Lord's favorites," she sneered with a grin on her face.

"But who do you think he favors more, an old hag or his powerful Elemental, eh?" I asked as I cocked an eyebrow and a flame sparked in the palm of my hand. She screamed in anger and irritation because she knew I was right. Right now, I was Voldemort's MVP. He couldn't afford me getting hurt.

But still, why can't she lose her voice like normal people after screaming so much, I thought as I rolled my eyes.

She scowled at me and started again. "Where have you been?! The Dark Lord was becoming suspicious of your loyalty, if you had any to him to begin with," she said in a softer voice but it was still very harsh.

She never liked me, I guess because she knew where I came from and who I was. But I never really liked her either. She looked and was insane.

"I was following Potter," I said simply. "Like I was told to do. I can't exactly stay in touch everyday you know."

"We lost contact with you for weeks!" she exclaimed.

"I was out looking for them. And the last place I found them before I got word that you were looking for me, was in the Forest of Dean a week ago, but I was too hot on their trail up until a couple of days ago," I told them.

"How did you even get word we were looking for you?"

"The snatchers I hired to find them."

"You hired snatchers to do your job?" an evil smirk on her face as she started circling me.

"Yes," I said without looking at her.

"Now why would you do that?"

"Because I had to come here and I can't be in multiple places at once, besides it makes searching the entire countryside much easier when there are multiple people doing it," I retorted.

She stopped right in front of me, her mouth open as she was about to say something, when a house elf came in.

"Masters and mistresses," it said in a small voice.

Oh boy, the poor elf. Bellatrix exploded with rage that a house elf interrupted her.

She spun around with her wand out so fast she was almost a blur. She was about to say a curse when I knocked her wand out of her hand.

She glared at me and I looked at her in a simple gaze. I really don't like her.

"You insolent fool," she yelled at me.

I ignored her and turned to the elf. "What were you saying, elf?"

"There are a group of snatchers at the gate," it said in a shaky voice. "They claim they have Harry Potter with them."

I tried to keep myself even and not give anything away as I nodded my head and looked at Bellatrix. She glared at me but didn't move.

"See I told you it would make my job a lot easier," I said. After a few moments, I raised my eyebrows and said, "Well..."

"Well what?" she sneered at me.

"Go let them in of course," I said as if it were obvious.

She kept her mouth shut and walked out, but I knew I was going to get it when the Dark Lord found out about this. But I think that I deserve to boss her around. I am, after all, more powerful than she is and could kill her if she ever angered me. But whatever I didn't care.

A few minutes later she came back with the group of snatchers. She walked over to Draco and led him to the group. There were four snatchers and they had four young adults in tow. My heart sank when I recognized them. When I had hired these snatchers, I hadn't expected them to be so good.

"Is this him?" she asked him.

"I-I can't tell. What happened to his face?" Draco answered. Harry's face was swollen and you could hardly tell it was him. I'm guessing it was Hermione's handiwork.

"Just tell me Draco, is this Harry Potter?!"

And I swear I could have died right then and there.


Ugh, this chapter sucks. Sorry it''s short and took me forever to post. First week of school : /

Please don't hate me for this really bad chapter. I couldn't think of anything to write. I'm not gonna put a required vote count, cause I kinda don't expect to get any. So just wait a few days for the next one. Sorry again guys.

Much Love

Courtney <3

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