Rebels of Hogwarts

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After I left the note for the Dark Lord, I made my way to the only place that I knew would be safest for me on the run. Hogwarts.

I couldn't go to my House. I just couldn't. So I went to the only room I could think of.

As I paced in front of the wall three times, the door appeared and what I saw inside was a definite surprise to me.

Thirty cots and hammocks all over the place and almost all of them were occupied by a student, some that I recognized and others I didn't.

"Tammy?" I heard a voice say that I recognized and to my relief, Neville came forward from the group.

"Neville," I regarded him, hiding the relief I felt.

"Where have you been? What are you doing here? Is Harry okay?" so many questions...again.

"I can't tell you where I've been. As for what I'm doing here, well, I don't even know. It was the only place I could think of that I could run to and be safe. I'm sorry if I'm intruding," I said as I turned and slowly started to walk out.

"Wait!" I stopped and turned back toward Neville. "Why don't you stay here with us? We can help you," he said with a small smile.

"That's very sweet of you, but I can see that you already have so much on your hands."

"Nonsense," Dean said as he stood up next to Neville. "Stay, we can help you."

I smiled and walked over to them. Even though I was from a rival house, they extended a helping hand to me. Probably because I spent most of my time in their common room and I had gotten to know them last year. That and I was Harry Potter's sister.

"Where's Harry?" asked a voice from beside us.

I turned and saw Ginny. "And where's my brother?" the look on her face was like a sad puppy, but she tried her hardest to look strong and confident even though her voice cracked a little.

"I don't know, safe I hope. I haven't seen them in a couple days," I said.

"You've seen them recently? Where? Were they okay?" she asked as her eyes got wide.

"They were at the Malfoy Manor last I saw them, they got away safely but I don't know where they went."

"The Malfoy Manor?" I nodded. "What were you doing there?"

I stiffened. I hadn't thought about that. Hmm, what was I doing there?

"I wish I could tell you, but I can't even remember why I was there or how I got out. It was all a blur," I lied as I feigned a thoughtful look.

"Oh, well I hope you can remember and I hope they're okay," she said as she sat back down on a cot.

"Me too," I said quietly as I turned away from her.

"Is there anything you need, Tammy?" Neville asked me. "Do you need food or water?"

I shook my head. "I just mostly need a place to rest, the Dar- You Know Who is after me," I said. That caught the attention of a lot of people in the room.

Neville nodded. "We figured they would come here what with the Carrows replacing two teachers here."

"The Carrows? Teaching here?" I said in bewilderment.

"More like torturing students and forcing them to learn the Dark Arts," he said in bitterness. "We've been fighting them and resisting. The other professors can't do much. Everyone's really scared."

I nodded my head. "So you're all rebels then?"

"Heh some of us, most of these students are just seeking refuge from the Carrows torment," Neville said as he looked out over the group of students.

He looked so much more mature than I last saw him. He didn't seem like the bumbling idiot from before. He had grown up and taken charge. He was a true Gryffindor.


Dang it! Such a short chapter. Sorry guys. I'll try to make the next one longer. Bad female problems, I'll try make it longer, promise :)

Much Love

Courtney <3

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