Noah William O'Conner (21)

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          Why doesn't anyone appreciate me? I'm trying to become a better person! I know I fucked up, but I've cut the habit and given money for Sarah's medicine. I've taken a stripper off the streets and given her a new home! Why is karma still biting me in the ass? Now that I think about it, this world really is fucked up. The bad live greatly, and the great live badly.

"I was thinking we could go visit your daughter. It's important that you be here for her, Noah. She needs her daddy. I saw the way she looked at you back at the hospital. You're her hero." Jupiter comes over and sits on my lap. The leather couch is uncomfortable, but I can manage if it means I'm getting attention from her.

"Whatever you wanna do, sugar." I give her a kiss. She pushes away.

"You're supposed to want to be around. Why are you being like that?"

She's right. I should shape up and be there for my daughter. She may not have long, but I need to do everything in my power to make her last few years absolutely perfect.

I pull into the driveway of the oh-so familiar trailer I've lived in since I got out of high school. The moment Jupiter and I step foot out of the car, Bonnie and Fuck Face exit the front door. Patrick is carrying Rocky in his car seat and Sarah is following close behind, rolling her oxygen tank behind her. I can see she's decorated the red tank with Hello Kitty stickers and colored on it with Sharpie. Patrick buckles Rocky into the back seat of his car, and gets into the driver's side without saying word.

Bonnie and Sarah reach Jupiter and I, "Noah, why are you here?"

"I was coming to see Sarah," I turn to her, "hey sweetheart."

She embraces me, "Where you headed?" I ask.

"Mommy is going to check on her new baby!"

What. The. Fuck. I look at Bonnie, confused.

Her jaw is on the ground, "Um," she stutters.

"What the fuck is she talking about?" Sarah's smile quickly transforms. She knows when I curse, that means something is wrong.

"What's wrong daddy?"

"Mommy didn't tell me about this new baby."

Bonnie remains motionless and we all stand in silence. I can feel my blood getting hot. My fists clench so hard they are shaking. My jaw tightens and I feel Jupiter's comforting fingers slide across my back, "Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we take the kids and let you and your boyfriend have a day together."

"We're not together," Bonnie snaps towards Jupiter, and then she slowly turns her eyes back into my direction, "Noah, I was going to tell you. I really-"

"I hate you." I spat.

She chokes back whatever other words she was going to say, and bends down to come eye-to-eye with Sarah, "Wanna go?"

She nods and comes to my side. Bonnie turns to retrieve Rocky.

I can't believe she's fucking pregnant. Does she even care about me or what this means? They can't afford a kid! She already has two, and barely getting by with that! Also, Sarah's medical bills will be piling up as she progresses through her treatment. Oh, but I guess she just assumes that I will pay for everything. How could she make such a selfish move such as that? I despise that woman. Maybe if she would spend time on what's really important, like our family, then we could work this out and bring up a better life for the children. Obviously, she's too worried about Patrick to think about what really matters.

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