Robbie's wails bring me out of my thoughts. "Don't leave! I love you!" He pleads.

"I love y-you too Robert." She says trying not to cough up blood.

Her eyes slowly close shut, and her body becomes limp. Robbie realizes that she's gone, and buries his head into her chest.


We decided to make a grave for her in the woods. It took a while for Robbie, Scooter, and Layke to dig a big enough hole with their hands to put her in. Cameron and I stood watch while they dug, which seemed like hours. Before starting the makeshift funeral, I put Brianna in the van, and covered her up with a blanket.

As I was taking watch, I walked around the woods and picked as many flowers as I could. Most of them were weeds, but I knew no one would care. I made two bouquets. One for Linda, and one for Phoebe.

After they said there goodbyes and a little  eulogy from Robbie, we all helped cover her with dirt. I placed the flowers next to the cross Cameron made. It was made out of two sticks that he bonded together with some vine. We stuck it in the ground at the top of her grave. We also put a cross next to her for Phoebe, and I put her flowers next to it too.

Now it's dawn, and we have no idea where to go. I know we can't stay here, the compound is still only a mile away. Those creatures could be in these woods looking for us. As much as I would love to go back to my house, I know we shouldn't. There's nothing there for us. I can't continue to use the city as my source of survival anymore. It's too risky, and honestly the military is probably still going to try and take people from there. They lost their scientist, but I'm sure they could figure it out. I can't let there be the smallest chance of Brianna being taken again. No way.

After we clear the branches away from the van, we pack up everything and decide to get as far away from the compound as possible. Scooter wanted to drive and let Robbie get some rest. Layke sits up front with them too, so he can help Scooter navigate and help Robbie if he needs anything. I sit in the back of the van next to Brianna, whose still knocked out, and Cameron. He's petting Wilbur, and I can hear him purring from all the way over here.

I didn't notice how skinny Wilbur looked until now. I can see his shoulder blades pop out, and his ribs seem to get more visible everyday. Some days I feel like I should just let him go to fight for himself. I know cats can survive on their own. I know for damn sure he could live so much better by himself than with us. But Brianna loves him, and I honestly don't know how she would react if I brought the idea up. We can barely feed him, and I feel so bad.

Since Z-Day I was feeding him cat food that I stole from a consignment store, but I was rationing it so I could feed him that for as long as I could. I have no idea if my father and Brianna fed him before they came to find me. I haven't fed him, so it's probably been four days since he's eaten.

It's crazy to think that my father died just yesterday. So much has happened, it seems like it's been a week or two. Sitting in the car with nothing to do makes my mind wander to the feelings I had before my adrenaline took over. Yeah I didn't like my dad, and I wanted to be free from his rules for so many years. But it hurts having him gone. Just knowing I don't have any parents anymore makes me feel alone. I feel like I have to grow up. I did turn eighteen in May, but I still feel like a kid. Especially in a world like this, where you have to grow up and be able to defend yourself.

You can't rely on anyone else to save you. I know I have in the past, and maybe I still do. Cameron has helped me so many times, and yeah I thank him for it. I honestly wouldn't be alive without him. My stupidity would have gotten to the best of me. But I need to learn how to defend myself on my own. What if Cameron dies?

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