"Oh god, Connor." I whispered helplessly and he embraced me quickly.

"I know, I know. I'm so fucking scared." He said to me calmly. Although it was for my own comfort, I knew I was his as well.

"Thanks Mr. Grant." I heard guy's voices say and Connor let go, seeing the calculus teacher had arrived and unlocked the doors for us.

Mr. Grant said nothing to the teens and held open the door for us. Cole ran up from behind Connor and I and took the door from the other side. "I got it, Sir, thanks." Cole told Mr. Grant.

Mr. Grant said nothing but gave a nod and walked to B-hall. He didn't look at me once.

"Man, if Erin was here she would be fawning over that grump for no reason." Cole sighed.

Connor smiled sadly and nudged me over playfully. "No reason? Diana thinks he's hot too."

I shrugged. "Everyone does, it's not a big deal."

Cole nodded. "He is pretty hot."

I laughed at them and shook my head. "Well I'm off to the library."

"Bye, nerd." Cole waved.

"Meet at your locker for lunch!" Connor said as I walked off and I gave him a thumbs up in response.

While I walked to the library I was reminded of how I felt empty also because I hadn't finished that book. Of course I kind of knew what would happen, but it was a public library book and Charlie still had it.

I should have looked for it while I could.

It was strange to remember how I was just in his house the previous day, on his bed and him over me. It was wrong of course, but I couldn't care less at that moment. The strangeness was so much, it was almost like I had never even been there. And it was just a dream.

But maybe that was the case.

By lunch time, I convinced myself it never happened, and that I was imagining things. I headed to my locker through K-hall to meet Connor but soon slowed to a stop. I always saw that man, no matter what, but that was because my locker had straight view into his class room.

My phone buzzed and I got a text from Connor asking where I was. I knew I'd see him, but I hoped he'd avoid me and save me from the weird feeling I got around him.

Walking down the hall, though, there wasn't much of a way to avoid him as he stood and leaned against his classroom door frame and spoke with Connor. They both look at me at the same time and I smiled quietly.

"There you are." Connor said to me.

I walked to him and he nodded towards the back doors. It awkwardly made me wonder what Mr. Grant was going to say, but sure enough while Connor and I made our way over there, he said nothing.

I felt nothing but relief as we headed to Erin's house and saw the police in the front, speaking with Mr. Norman. We got out of the car and a feeling in my stomach came, one I couldn't forget. It twisted the feelings in my mind and I wanted to panic even more thinking about how serious it had gotten, Erin's disappearance.

We approached the front together and the police men looked at us with a nod. "Who are you two?" They asked, taking out a clip board.

"Erin's friends." Connor answered.

A man narrowed his eyes at us. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"It's lunch period, so we don't have much time." I stated dryly and they raised their eyebrows, looking at eachother, but soon agreeing anyway.

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