Chapter 12

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You  had endless nightmares that night. All you could see were Cherry's Wolf Blasters hunting you. You were cornered. You saw the head of one. It had orange eyes. Suddenly you saw it had no body. You saw Papyrus standing under it. You froze.

"P-Papyrus! Please! I'm sorry!" You yelled. He glared at you. He blasted you. You screamed as you felt your skin and flesh burning into ashes. 

You woke up screaming. You felt pain rip through your chest from sitting up so quickly. You looked down and saw a sling holding an ice pack to your chest. What? Why do I have a sling on? Suddenly Sans was in the room.

"doll? are you ok?" He asked. You were stunned for a second and then you came to your senses. 

"I-I'm fine, just had a nightmare." He sat down on the bed and hugged you gently. 

"what happened?" He asked. You were about to tell him when you realized, Papyrus had killed you. What would Sans think? He seemed to know you had doubts. "it's alright. just tell me." You looked at him. You nodded.

"Ok. I...I was running from those Wolf Blasters like the first time, but then it turned out it wasn't a Wolf Blaster. It was Papyrus' Gaster Blaster. He....he killed me without hesitance." You explained. Sans looked shocked. He hugged you.

"they won't touch you while i'm here. don't worry doll. it'll be ok." He said. You smiled and laid back down. You asked him if he could stay. Sans agreed. He laid down next to you and you both went to sleep.

*That morning* 

"Why can't I come out? I can move well enough to go with you at least." You asked.

"just....stay here. it's better for you to rest. i'll get breakfast, ok doll?" Sans said heading to the door. You sighed.

"Okay." You agreed. He smiled sweetly at you.

"thanks doll. you just rest. i'll take care of everything." He said and left, closing the door behind him. You waited for him for a few minutes. You became inpatient. You felt helpless and unsafe without him near. You got up. You walked to the door and walked out. You made your way to the kitchen, but then you heard a voice behind you.

"HUMAN? IS THAT YOU?" You froze. Your heart and breathing quickened instantly. You whipped around. Your eyes widened as you saw Papyrus. You felt terror. Before he could speak you ran.

"Stay away from me!" You yelled. 

"HUMAN! WAIT!" He called. You hurried to the kitchen. 

"Sans!" You called. He came out as you ran into his arms.

"doll? what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. Then he spotted Papyrus, who had chased after you. Sans' eye flared up. He held you close protectively as you cowered in his arms. He used his magic to block off the kitchen entrance. Blue bones separated the two of you from him. He stopped surprised. Sans glared at him. Papyrus looked hurt.


"i don't want to hear it." Sans hissed. He guided you gently away from the entrance and completely covered the entrance with blue bones. You couldn't see Papyrus anymore, but Sans kept up the wall of bones. His eye remained blue as he kept making breakfast. You sat down and stared at nothing, deep in thought. All you could see was him attacking you. You soon were slightly shaking in terror and tears flowed out of the eye the wasn't covered in bandages. Sans hadn't noticed because you weren't making any noise. You kept crying. You felt hated. You felt like it was you that was the monster and not them. Sans turned to check on you and noticed your emotional state. He quickly left the eggs and hurried to your side. "doll? what's wrong?! are you ok?!" He asked worriedly.

"I'm scared Sans." You whimpered. He hugged you.

"'s okay. i'm here doll." He said. 

"I don't understand Sans. Why do you care about me? It's not like I've given you any reason to. I've done the opposite actually." You said. Sans looked surprised. He sighed.

"i care because, you need me to. if i didn't who would? but i mostly care because i can tell there is a wonderful girl with an amazing heart inside of you. you just need help bringing that part of you out." He said. You hugged him. He smiled. You didn't care anymore. You kissed him. He instantly kissed back. You felt your heart beat faster. You loved him. He loved you. That was all you ever wanted. To be loved again. You wouldn't let anything take him away from you. Not ever.

Cherry's POV

She went to comfort Papyrus. Papyrus felt endless guilt for this fight with his bother. If only they'd known that she'd changed. Cherry still didn't trust (Y/N), but she felt that it was her own fault that the brothers were torn apart, not (Y/N)'s. After all, she was the one who had told him to attack her. Now, everything was all messed up. Nothing was going well and both worlds were falling apart.

"Papyrus? Are you okay?" She asked, sitting down next to him. 

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE." He said sadly. She felt bad. Cherry hugged him. He smiled and hugged back. 

"It'll be ok Pappy. We'll get through this together." She said. They kissed and Papyrus started to look a little bit better.


Mystery's POV

They still weren't back. She was getting really worried. Toriel and Asgore had told her to wait there with them. Frisk tried to keep her distracted with games and such, but it slowly stopped working. That night Mystery set out with her own Wolf Blaster, Zoey, and they began the search for the Great Papyrus and her older sister.

They wandered through the woods. Mystery was slightly nervous.

"You got anything yet girl?" She asked Zoey. Zoey shook her head no. Zoey was only a Pup Blaster. She had silver eyes and was 5 1/2 feet tall. Mystery was 3 1/2 feet tall. Mystery rode Zoey deeper into the woods. Zoey suddenly stopped and starting sniffing around. "What is it girl?" She asked. Zoey barked excitedly, her skeletal tail wagging back and forth. Mystery smiled. "You've got something?! Well hurry! Follow it girl! Let's go!" Mystery said and they took off together. They were going to rescue the three of them! This would be the Marvelous Mystery's greatest quest yet!

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