Chapter 11

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(WARNING violence!)

You let Sans stay with you that night. You hadn't had any idea that your heart would just suddenly burst for him. When he'd spared were just overwhelmed with affection for him. You didn't understand it, but you didn't care either. Sans held you close through the night. You were so happy you'd found someone who cares. You wouldn't let anything take him away. Not again.

*A few days later*

You were outside with him.

"I-I don't know Sans." You said.

"come on kid. it's ok. the sun isn't that bad." He said. You sighed and walked outside. You felt the warmth of the sunlight bleed into your body. It was....comforting. You smiled. You both laid in the grass together outside. You enjoyed the sunlight. You snuggled up to him. He smiled. Sans pulled you close and you both relaxed there, together. Then you felt something poke you. You shifted. You felt it again. You looked down. Sans was poking your sides! He did it again. You held in a giggle. 

"S-Sans? W-what are you doing?" You asked, smiling. He grinned. Sans tickled you. You laughed. "S-Sans! S-stop! Hahahahaha!" You couldn't hold back your laughter. He kept going. Then you tickled him back. You were both laughing harder than ever by the end of it. Then you both went back inside. Soon you were both in the largest room you had. It was a concrete gym. He watched you as you did your very own American Ninja Warrior course. 

(You gotta admit, THAT'S SOME COOL MOVES AND STUFF! I'd loved to be able to do some of that stuff!)

You completed it with ease. He looked impressed.

"nice job kiddo!" He called. You smiled. You kept going until you were tired and breathing hard. You walked over to him. He smiled at you. "that was really cool (Y/N)." He said.

"Thanks Sans." You said, giving him a peck on the cheek. He blushed, smiling. You took out the ponytail you were wearing for your workout. You sat down next to him happily. He smiled. You did a short kiss and Sans hugged you. Then you thought of something. "Sans?"


"Don't you want to see your brother again?" You asked. He frowned.

"i....i do, but i don't want to leave you here alone." He said. You felt bad. You didn't want to keep him from his family and friends. 

"You shouldn't stay here forever just for me Sans." You said. He looked unsure. You knew he didn't want stay here for his entire life either. Then he brightened up.

"hey, you could come with me! you could meet all of my pals and my bro. they'd love you kiddo!" He said. You felt fear.

"N-no! They'd try to kill me Sans! You know how Undyne is! I-I can't!" You said scared. He hugged you.

"'s alright. i'm right here doll. listen, if they did try to hurt ya i'd protect you. trust me. nothing would happen to you doll." He said. You sighed. You still weren't sure. You were scared of being rejected more than anything else. You didn't want to leave the place you knew was safe. Sans kissed your forehead. "just think about it doll." He said. You nodded, willing to consider it at the very least. 

Cherry's POV

The trail had been hard to follow, but Flower had tracked him down. Cherry was riding her. Papyrus was on Blaze behind her. Flower padded on. Papyrus was impatient, but they were both saving their energy. Cherry had a feeling there'd be a fight. Sans wouldn't be trapped alone. They'd need it if there was to be a battle. They kept going toward him.



"DO WE HAVE A PLAN?" Papyrus asked.

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