Chapter 7

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You went to the roof and kept look out for any intruders. Soon you saw your pack of troops coming back. You went down. They walked in. They were all chatting with snotty tones like usual. 

"Did you see the way that monster ran when he realized we were his enemies?" Jade, a rookie with orange hair and blue eyes, said. Her scar on her right eye hadn't healed right and now she was blind on her right side. It had happened because of a careless monster that was rock climbing. He'd pulled some loose rocks and one had cut down her right eye. You liked her black leather clothing. 

"Ha! Yeah, what a coward!" Mace, another rookie, agreed. He had joined up because a monster had taken his job. Apparently their 'magic' was more useful than his loyalty and hard working spirit which had been shattered. He had black hair and hazel eyes.

"Enough! Time to act serious at the very least." Lilith, one of the main recruits, ordered. She had black hair, but the bottom half was dyed deep blue with the bottom half of that dyed blood red. They all nodded and went quiet.

"Well? What happened out there?" You asked.

"We found the skeletons, but the tall one is stronger than we thought. We lost two dogs and Draven and Zurie got cut up slightly too." Storm explained. You nodded. 

"Well then, looks like my plan will take a slight detour. Draven, Zurie, you two can take a couple days break. Everyone else will go search the woods for other monsters. If found, bring them to me. Dismissed!" You said. They left. 

You went and got some food. You walked to where Sans was. He turned toward you. He was sitting on the bed again. You slid one of the plates under the bars for him. He walked over. You sat down and began to eat your own sandwich. He picked it up and looked at it. "If you think I'm trying to poison you, then you're wrong. That's the exact same thing that I have." You said. He took a bite.

"hmp, not bad." He admitted. He sat down and began to eat too. "but why are you staying here to eat?" He asked.

"I never eat with anyone because they never invite me. I don't need permission from a prisoner. Besides, at least I can actually get some social activity. Never really do around here." You said, taking another bite after you finished speaking. He looked confused.

"don't you ever leave this place?" He asked. You swallowed and glared at him.

"I never go anywhere with anyone. And it's all thanks to you monsters." You growled. He looked mad.

"how so?" He asked. You froze. You remembered the day when everything was destroyed in your world. You glared at him.

"That's for me to know." You hissed. He looked curious, but you didn't care.

"so whatever happened, why are you blaming it on us? blame it on who actually did it." Sans said. You were getting angrier by the second. 

"I don't have to tell you anything!" You yelled. He looked surprised.

"look i'm just saying, what did i ever do to you?" He said. You frowned. You thought about it. Then you grinned.

"You caused me to loose my job. How many people do you think you affected by coming here?" You said. He sighed.

"that wasn't my fault. it was never my fault that the AMD was taken down. besides, the AMD would've never come to be if humans could let go of their grudge against us." Sans said. You grew enraged. 

"Maybe some of us have reasons to want you all to just stay out of our lives!" You yelled. He jerked back surprised. Then he looked confused. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"are you crying?" He asked. You'd just realized that tears where running down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them them off and stood up. 

"Why do you care? I thought you didn't care about anything." You growled and left. He said nothing as you left. You went to your room. You curled up in your bed. You cried, alone, forgotten, unwanted. This is all I've ever been. You thought. Worthless. I just want them to come back. I just want them back. 

Lost Souls (Sans x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz