Chapter 6

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Sans' POV

Sans left his brother with her. He didn't care if he was being selfish. He walked through the woods heading home. Papyrus could take care of himself. Sans was sure he could. What made him upset about leaving was that he was alone with Cherry. Mystery was there, but that wouldn't make much of a difference. Sans hated all of this. They were being hunted by angry humans, Papyrus was attached to a girl, and Sans had been mad enough to yell at him. Sans didn't understand love. He'd never felt it for anyone other than his brother. Yes he 'loved' his friends, but that was a bit different. They were his friends and Papyrus was his brother, of course he'd risk his life for them! Sans would never put his life on the line for some stranger! He was glad Papyrus wanted to help, but they had to get home. Sans would have to go home, get the others, and then bring Papyrus home with him. He couldn't make his brother leave on his own. Sans kept going. He could teleport a little farther, but he still wasn't sure if his magic was fully healthy. Sans kept walking. Suddenly he heard a voice.

"Help! Help! I'm trapped!" It called. It sounded like a little girl. Sans hurried. There was a girl in a teal dress with flower lacing trapped under some boulders. Only her left arm and the top half of her body was free to move. Sans was shocked.

"hang on kiddo. i'll get you out." He said. She nodded. Sans pushed the big one over and cleared away the smaller ones. He helped her up and asked if she was okay.

"I have a cut on my arm, but other than that I'm fine." She said.

"that's good. now, where do you li-" Suddenly he was knocked out by someone he hadn't seen coming up from behind him. Sans fell to the ground and everything went black.

??? POV/ 3rd person

She had caught him talking to her friend's sister. "Are you alright Danna?" She asked.

"Yes! Why did you hit him? He was going to help me!"

"Monsters can't be trusted. This one is one of the worst. Go home Danna. This is adult business." She nodded and hurried home. "I finally caught you Sans. You aren't getting out of this one. I won't let you slip away again." She said and picked him up. For a skeleton he was heavy. She put him in the little wagon she had been riding in. There was a guard dog in it. He couldn't leave. She knew that stress could strain a monster's soul. Sans wouldn't be able to teleport. She climbed up and whipped the reins to get her horse moving. They went along through the woods back to her home base. She knew that nobody would find Sans there, or herself.

Sans' POV

*5 hours later* 

Sans groaned and got up. He was in a cell. Sans gasped. 

"what?! but how did i-"

"You monsters aren't that smart are you?" A voice cut him off. Sans whipped around facing that direction. 

"who's there?" He demanded.

"Don't you recognize my voice Sans?" They asked. Sans tried to see them through the darkness. They walked forward. He froze.

"you." He hissed.

"It's (Y/N). I see you aren't very fond of me. Hmp. Guess we're even." She growled.

"what do you want from me?" Sans asked angrily.

"I don't want anything from you." She said. Sans was confused, but then it clicked with him.

"you just want me dead, right?" He asked.

"Smarter than you look." She replied.

"well? what's the hold up then." He growled.

"I wouldn't push me Sans. I don't have everything I want. I only have you. The police aren't stupid. Even I know this. I need you alive for now." She said. Sans was curious.

"why me?" He asked. She rolled her eyes.

"If you told me all your secrets would you have the advantage?" She asked.


"Well then, that's all you need to know." She said. Sans glared at her. She left. He sighed. He knew she was smart so he wasn't going to try to teleport out of there. He knew it wouldn't work. She seemed to know a lot about him. Sans laid down on the bed provided and decided to take a nap.

Your POV

You left him there and went to go take a nap. You thought about how you were going to pull all of this off. You had plans and back up plans, but Sans was very smart. You sighed. You wondered if you could trick him. You went into your room and laid down. Then you got a call. It was Jake. You answered.

"What's up?" You asked.

"We found a little skeleton. It's a girl and she looks around five." You got an idea. 

"Is she with anyone?"

"Yes she has an older sister and that older sister has a boyfriend. That boyfriend is Papyrus." You grinned. "Capture them and bring the to the spare dungeon. We can't have Sans' knowing about them. Afterwards report back to me. I have a plan." You said and hung up. You took a nap.

An hour later you went to check on Sans. He was just leaning against the wall while laying on the bed. He looked over.

"what are you doing back so soon?" He asked.

"Look, even though I hate monsters nobody else is here. So I hope you don't mind talking to me." You said. He rolled his eyes.

"sure, i'll just talk to you like were old friends. that makes sense doesn't it? i'm only trapped here with the person who wants me dead." He said sarcastically. You glared at him.

"Do you want to just sit there alone or actually do something?" You asked. He sighed.

"fine, what do you want?" He asked.

"I was interested in your brother. He seems to have fallen in love with a girl skeleton." You said. Sans looked alarmed.

"what are you going to do?!" He asked, suddenly on edge. You rolled your eyes.

"Calm down. They escaped. We have no idea where they are." You lied. He seemed to worried about his brother to notice.

"did you hurt him!? if you hurt my brother i swear to god i'll-"

"They're fine." You cut him off. He relaxed a little.

"well then why are you bringing this up?" He asked.

"What do you feel for her?" You asked. He looked surprised.

"i don't care if she's around, but i hate that he's just all gaga over her after two days of knowing her." Sans said. You nodded.

"Do you have any other family members?"


"What about your parents?"

"my mother is dead, my dad is stuck in a dark void." He said. You raised an eyebrow at the dad part.

"Alright. What happened to your mother?"

"i....don't know. Gaster never told us." He said. "what about you? you have any family?" You froze. You didn't answer him.

"Why do you want to know?" You asked.

"i told you about my family. fair is fair." He replied.

"I do have a family. One older brother, a sister, my mom, and then my dad." You answered simply. He seemed satisfied. You talked for a few more minutes and then you left. You didn't want to tell him anything about you. Then again, why would it matter? He was still going to be killed at some point anyway. You shrugged it off and left.

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