22. Law | My Last Breathe

Start from the beginning


It was odd, your honeymoon had been so many years ago, yet it seemed like it was just yesterday. Awaking from your dream that was actually a reminiscent memory, you opened your eyes. In doing so, slowly straightening your back which had been bent over. You expected to awaken to your bedroom—your shared bedroom. The room that yourself and Law had slept in every night, wrapped in each other's embrace, but no— you weren't.

Instead you lifted your head to find you were wearing the same clothes you had worn yesterday, your body rested on an uncomfortable, cheap wooden chair. In front of you lay your husband's resting body, soundly sleeping in all the layered blankets. Or so you thought.

"You're awake." His lacking voice questioned, your gaze immediately casting over to his own. When you did, your eyes squinted painfully at the sight, liquid threatening to make an appearance in your eyes.

It was obvious that he had worsened since the previous day. His skin now had enormous splotches of white covering it, splotches that had almost entirely taken over his usually tanned skin. Adding onto to the pale skin, his body had lost a large amount of body fat. Law was a slim man to begin with so his disease had made him look borderline anorexic.

"Mmm." Was all you could literally manage to respond with as a fake smile plastered your face. You needed to be strong, even if that meant faking it. You needed to be strong, strong for him. Because though it pained you, the reality of the situation was; time was running out.

However, Law had been your fiancé for a while now. He had devoted himself to you, to keeping you happy. He could almost naturally tell that you were in pain, he could tell that you were trying your hardest to make his final moments less painful. And even though Law felt physical pain mixed with gradual numbing, the emotional pain that you were enduring could amount to his own.

He would never admit it, but he hated seeing you like this. He hated that he had put you through everything he had during the last week, occasionally even the last couple years. However, as usual with everything that had been happening, he managed to keep to himself. To keep his self hatred to himself.

"[Name]-ya, rest some more." Law lowly mumbled as his gaze cast to the side. As if what he had requested had been normal, your eyes widened and when you were about to argue back. With a shaking arm. He pulled your head down onto his lap, stroking the top of your head and along your face.

He knew you well, he knew that you liked having your head gently stroked. He knew that it would calm you down, make you at ease. Make you sleepy.

As you slowly drifted to sleep, the pain of the last couple days briefly disappeared. It took you back to just two weeks ago, the both of you sitting soundly in the lounge of your home. Both of you talking about nothing, not needing to. The embrace speaking for itself.

Then just as those memories settled in, the last week leading up to the present fell into mind. What began as odd behaviour from Law, keeping more to himself. Being more introverted than usual. Then the paling that he had attempted to hide with more clothing, then finally yesterday.


Law turned around from you and slowly attempted to walk away from your hysterical self, you were on the brink of tears. You were yelling and openly questioning everything. You deeply needed to know what was going on. "[Name]-ya, please." Law's low voice tried to ration, his voice was slightly weak.

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