Chapter 1

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As I walk down this road of nothing I cannot make sense of it, I don't understand where I'm at. Why am I here, I come up to a fork in the road, I do not know where each way leads. The path on the right looks very calm and peaceful a path to meadows perhaps. The left looks very cold and dark full of shadows. Although this path seems very scary yet adventurers and the other so plain yet peaceful, I still do not know where each of the path leads.

I flashback to earlier that morning, I lay in bed thinking I have been through so much in my life and yet the ones who have stood by my side through it all don't seem to take it in the same way I do. Do my eyes not see what they see? Do my ears not hear the same? Does my heart not hurt the way theirs does? And yet through this they are so calm, so patient. Why has God given me this life, if it is not for joy and pleasure, let alone happiness? Is it that I have sinned? All his children have sinned have they not? And yet everyone whom I am around can smile on a daily basis where I am in shadows unrecognized. I come back to reality standing in the middle of the fork in the road.

I should take the path to the right and maybe a smile will shed. And yet all I can think about is how the left path is more like for me. Alone as always in the shadows, as I stand there wondering, a voice comes faintly, "take the path you desire or forever wonder what is in the other". God, I wonder or is it the Devil whispering in my ear. I stand there with a blank look upon my face waiting for an answer. I wonder as I stand there in the shadows, how dangerous yet amazing this path may be. I take a step closer feeling the cool air hit against the sweat on my neck. As I walk the path it seems to be getting colder and colder. Eyes peeking out from the shadows hearing my footsteps as I begin to think about turning back, I realize I have been walking for about fifteen minutes. I turn around and see nothing but pitch-black "no use going back I suppose" I say to myself, and begin moving forward. The dirt on the ground starts to turn into mud; the cool air begins to turn into cold rain. I find shelter under a big tree; I sit and think why I am here god? If you talked to me before the path, why not talk now? I wait but still no response. As the rain pours down harder I regret not talking the peaceful path. How wonderful it would probably had been to be warm and lay in a meadow. The rain begins to clear up, and I start walking again,

"Who are you?" a voice startles me. "Hello?" I say, "Yes Hello who are you and why are you here?" I laugh thinking my mind is playing tricks, I say back in a firm tone "Who am I? Who are you? Hiding in the shadows, do you fear me? I think not for I am a simple girl short but strong. So why do you hide?" I wait for a response, instead out comes a boy about 21 like me. He was gorgeous, beyond gorgeous, he was breathtaking. He was tall around 6'4 at least. He had short blonde hair, a sleeve tattoo, and the bluest eyes. "I do not fear you' he says 'in fact I do not know you to fear you, all I know' he says with a smirk 'is you are in the forbidden forest." I stay looking at him, ugh so handsome and muscular yet something strange and I try to figure it out, finally I snap, "Forbidden forest you say, why are you here if this forbidden forest is forbidden"? I smile knowing that at any second he will say something and it will click what is strange about him. "I have run away, I came into the forbidden forest because I knew no one would bother looking in the forest they have claimed to not go into." As we talk a bit more I found out his names is Patrick. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Patrick, I am Alice." I explain to him that I had no idea how I got to the fork in the road, and the path I could have chose. I tell him something was telling me to talk the dark path and I had believed it was God. "Well Alice sometimes evil things will make you believe that it is God, but most defiantly it might have been the Devil speaking to you." I gasp at the idea, who can I trust? How do I not know that he is the Devil in Disguise? Although I start to wonder if Patrick could be the Devil, I do not say anything out of the ordinary, because I don't want to make him suspicious of what my prediction is. We Begin to walk together but it is so quite you can hear a pin drop, in the forest! "So tell me Patrick, why did you runaway"? I ask to make the silence go away. He hesitates at first, "Well Alice you see I'm not like most people you're used to' he says softly. As I wait he says nothing, "Well what kind of person are you exactly"? I say as I stare into his eyes; I know there is something particular about him. "Hmm...Exactly?' he smiles "I can't tell you exactly what kind of person I am I don't know you that well Alice" oh he defiantly knows that I'm eager to find out, could my life be at stake? What if he is the devil and he takes me away? Will I ever see my family again? Do they even miss me? Thousands of questions run through my mind. "Well what do you want to know about me? I will tell you everything you need to know" I say, he looks into my eyes. "Well Alice you see it doesn't quite work that way. It's not so much of finding who you are or what your about, I do need to trust you" oh my god he just puts so many obstacles in my way. Why does he need to trust me? Should I trust him? "Look Patrick you seem nice but how do you know if were even going to be around each other this whole trip though this forest? I mean you will go back to your town won't you?" I say out of frustration because I really am dying to figure him out. "If I go back, will you go with me?" he says softly. Oh my how can I resist such a handsome guy, muscular attractive, you know that kind of guy every girl dreams about? Girl...Of course Girls! He must have a girlfriend! So I ask "I don't think your girlfriend would be very happy" I say in a soft tone. Oh please God don't let him have a girlfriend, please oh please I think as I cross my fingers. Um hello Alice he could still be evil. I think, but I cannot help it he is too attractive. He laughs softly "I don't have a girlfriend Alice, the only girls I have in my life is my mother and sisters and well, you." Me? Why is he considering me? We Just Met, so why am I so special? "Me? Now tell me Patrick why do you consider me?' I say. "You do wish to get out of here now don't you?" before I can answer he laughs "well of course you do, and to get out your going to need me and it takes quite a while." Great, even though I secretly like him, I despise how smart he thinks he is. "Well then I guess I'm following you from now on, but it seems to be getting dark, so smart one what are we going to do?" I say sarcastically. "Well my lady I do believe we will have to camp out. Start collecting sticks, if you plan on being warm tonight." Camp out? Really, has it been that long? Wow well I never planned on camping in such a scary dark forest. My mind wondered off thinking of the animals and bugs that could be around me. And snakes and spiders! Oh how I hate snakes and spiders. "Alice? Alice? Hello Are You Listening?" I come back from my mind and look at him, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of me?" What in the world? Maybe my face gave it off thinking of snakes and spiders that he could tell I was scared, yeah I'm just going to have to believe that. "No. why would I be afraid of you" even though I was a little "I have nothing to fear." I say with my head held high, he smiles "that's odd. I know you're afraid of me Alice, I can see it in your eyes." I am so angry and frustrated at this moment, I stare into his eyes "What ARE you exactly? Tell me NOW Patrick or I leave" He Looks at me with a Sigh, "Alice, Please do not go, but please do not fear me." He says quietly. "I won't Patrick I promise, you are the only person from miles I suppose, and I don't want to stay in the forest for long let alone by myself. So please tell me your secret." Staring at him trying to catch his eyes. He whispers "I...I am a Fallen Angel Alice..." I sit still trying to take this all in, "A fallen angel you say"? I whisper quietly as he starts to build a fire. He says nothing but looks at me, and nods. A million questions running though my mind. "Go ahead Alice, Ask me." He says. "Ask You what?" I say smiling. He frowns "I know you have questions, so ask." So can he read my mind? Or what, hey a question, "So can you read my mind?" this kind of freaks me out for he would know that I like him. "No, but I can sense your emotions, I can tell when your sad, suspicious, scared, you know all kinds of emotions. That's how I knew you were afraid of me". How unique, but that means can he tells that I like him? I guess I have to act as if I don't and tell myself that I cannot like him. "What else do you want to know?" He says with a smile. Where do I start, what should I ask? "Do you really live in a town with people? Are they like you?" I look at him trying to read his body, "Yes I do live in a town, and yes there are few people or creatures like me, but not many so we keep it a secret." That means there must be more guys like him, more beautiful, unbelievable, creatures of heaven. "Wait so how exactly are you a fallen angel? How does that happen? Are you people or creatures how you say, good or bad?" I say very eager "Whoa slow down,' he laughs softly "But Okay you want to know my story, here it is." He smiles " it started off as a beautiful day I was in the sky flying around clouds, when a rainstorm happened, much like earlier, and well when it rains my leader fears of his people being hurt, I rushed back to him. "My lord what is wrong?" I say to him, he begins to tell me that he has heard from other angels that I have believed that he was not stronger then the dark one, which is not true. I tell him "my lord what makes you think of such foolishness about me" he then believed I was calling him a fool, and kicked me out of heaven, and here I ended up in the forbidden forest." How strange. Why wouldn't God know if he worshiped the Devil? "So are you good or bad?" I say quietly. "Aha this is where it is tricky," He sits down "You see Alice as a fallen angel, I am supposed to worship the Devil. But I cannot for I have witness Gods Miracles, but sometimes as anyone would, I get angry with him, because I wish he knew that I did not worship the Devil in his Kingdom. But when I am angry, I begin to become bad, and the Devil talks to me, telling me to praise him. This last for about six days, until I come back to myself" I fall back, he is evil. My heart beats so fast I can feel it in my throat, and my stomach is turning it, such an unpleasant feeling. "Alice do not fear me, I am good, I just cannot control my emotions sometimes, so I study people like you to understand how I can feel." I am still suspicious, where the hell am I going to sleep, not near him, maybe I won't sleep at all. Finally I get the courage to ask him the question that has been pounding in my head. "Would you ever hurt me?" I begin to shake, "ALICE!!!!" He yells, and it startles me "I would never hurt you, however if I begin to get angry, I beg of you to leave without me." This frightens me, "But never would I hurt you, you see Alice there is something about you, I just cannot put my finger on it." About me? What about me? This is odd. There is something about him. I wish I could just read him like a book. As I sit there, cold and shivering my stomach begins to growl, "Shut up" I say under my breath. "Of course, of course, you need something to eat." Um what? What am I going to eat in a forest like this? "Don't you have to eat too?" I say wondering what he might find tasty. "I can go days, weeks, months without eating, but I don't eat what you eat." He says creepy. "Oh what are you like a vampire?" I say joking; he laughs and says "ever heard of the sky dear?'"

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