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Ashley's POV

It's payday and for us girls payday means...SHOPPING DAY! So we decided to have a shopaholic time after work and treat our selves. I called Kevin to let him know about our plans.

"Hi Babe! Miss me already?" He answered on the third ring.

"Hi Babe! Of course I always misses you. Babe I'll be coming home late tonight the girls wants some bonding time so don't expect me until nine." I told him.

"Okay, I'll be coming home late my self I have some papers to review here in the shop, So have fun."

"Okay take care. I love you."

"Love you too." He said before ending the call.

Office hours was over and we are now on our way to the mall.

"Guys could we go to the clothes section first? I need a flattering dress for my date with Max this Friday and I want to look fabulous." Lizzy said.

"It's okay Liz, I'll buy clothes myself. Let's shop first before we have our dinner." I told them.

"Okay that's great!" Beth chimes in.

" the way girls ah.. I have something to tell." Anne timidly said.

"What is it Anne, is something wrong?" I asked her turning my head to her direction.

"Well I just want to invite you all to my engagement party!" She shouts excitedly all the nervousness she had fly out the window while raising her left hand showing us a big diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Oh my God! I think I'm going to hyperventilate, I need to see that ring up close for me to believe that I'm not dreaming." Lizzy rush to Anne's side and grab her hand inspecting the shimmering stone on her finger.

"Wow! Now I'm pretty sure Nico spend a big fortune on this one. Your one lucky girl Anne, I hope Max would buy me a ring just like this. I wonder how much it cost?" Lizzy mumbled inspecting the ring.

"I'm sure Max will buy you all the ring in the world, he is smitten to you." Tamara said placing her arm around Lizzy's.

"How about you Beth, what's the real score between you and Peter? I'm very intrigue about you two." I asked Beth who has been very secretive about her and Peter's whereabouts.

"We'll you guys know that we have been together for three months now, so far so good. He was hinting that he wants us to move in together but not actually asking so I'll just go with the flow and see where it will lead us." She said happiness evident in her eyes. I am glad that they are happy with each other.

Tamara and Ronny had a short affair but call it quits after a month and a half. They realize they are better as friends than being intimate with each other. At first it was awkward for them whenever our group had a get together but after a while they were back to being at ease with each other. I guest they still have a thing for one another but too shy to admit it to themselves. I'll just wait silently to what will happen to them and what ever it is I know everyone will be glad for them.

We were almost done shopping and my stomach was rumbling every other minute.

"Girls are you done? My tummy cannot take it anymore my body needs nutrition or I else I will collapse. Come on lets eat!" I told them holding my tummy.

"Okay I'm done, this is the last piece that I want to purchase. I'll just pay this so we can go." Lizzy said heading to the cashier accompanied by Tamara.

"Alright we'll meet you on the exit. Hurry will you, I'm starve myself." Beth said and loop her arms on mine and we walk to the exit followed by Anne.

We chose an Italian bistro on the south wing of the mall which Kevin shop was located. The food was great and the ambiance was relaxing.

I order lasagna with crispy bacon strips on the side. I know it's not that healthy but I'm craving for something salty and creamy.

"Any plans after dinner?" I asked no one in particular.

"Well I'm headed to Peter's so I'll bail out after dinner." Beth said after taking a bite of her pizza.

"Oh I know where this night is going to be for Beth." Anne utter teasingly wagging her eyebrows.

"Don't play so innocent Anne you have a fare share of shagging with your fiancé." Beth countered giggling.

"Hah you bet!" She answered and everyone chuckles.

"How about you Ashley?" Tamara asked looking at me.

"Well I'm planning to run by the store to see if Kevin's done for the day." I answered.

"If that's the case I'm heading to Max's flat myself and check if he has been a good boy." Lizzy told us with a hidden smirk on her lips.

"Poor me going home in an empty house with no one to snuggle in my cold bed at night." Tamara said faking a pout and wiping an invisible tear on her eyes.

"Oh poor girl." I mutter holding her hand.

"You can always call Ronny to keep you warm." Lizzy suggest.

"Oh just shut up!" Tamara dismissed her with blushing cheeks and every one laugh again.

The dinner ends and we said our goodbye. I really enjoy payday! I'm headed to Kevin's shop now to check on him and see if we can drive home together.

I ride the elevator to the fifth floor and walk straight to the shop.

"Hi Jaden! is Kevin still here?" I asked one of Kevin's sales clerk.

"Oh, hi Ashley, he just left five minutes ago. He said he'll grab some dinner and will be back. I think he's on his favorite resto, just check there." He said and smiled at me.

"Okay I'll just go there, thanks!"

I turn left and walk straight to the restaurant. I was still two shops away but I already spotted Kevin his back was facing me I walk hurriedly to great him but when I'm a few feet away I notice that he was not alone. A beautiful woman was sitting on the other side of the table. She looks familiar, I think I saw her before. I remember she was the same woman on the furniture house, what's her name again...Jen Kilmer.

She was talking animatedly at him and he was listening eagerly at her. She touch his arm and he just let her hand stay there. It looks like they we're so familiar with each other. She even wipe something in his lips and smile lovingly at him. It looks so intimate. I cannot take the site of them so I left and head straight home with a heavy heart.

I was dress and ready to sleep when I heard the door opened.

"Hi Babe, your still awake. I'll just go take a shower so we can call it a night. I'll be quick." He said and peck me on the lips.

I waited for him to finish. I was contemplating if it's necessary to asked him or not. I don't want to seem like a suspicious girlfriend. I don't want it to look like I'm not trusting him.

"Babe have you had dinner?" I asked him nervously when he exit the shower.

"Yes and I meet an old college friend. Come here I want a cuddle until we fall a sleep. I missed you, paper works are no fun." He said and pull me beside him.

An old college friend. I don't know, it doesn't look like it.

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