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Kevin's POV

It's been raining since Wednesday morning. I always like rain, it makes me feel like the heaven is washing all the bad things that happen to me. It feels like it renewed and cleanses everything to give way for a new beginning and then when the rain stops a rainbow will appear to signal that God has a plan that is why he has given us those trials for us to appreciate all the good things despite the torment we feel.

I grow up to a parents who only look for themselves. In an early age I learn to pend for myself and never rely on anyone. Mom and Dad was always busy at work, all they think is "How to make more money?" They cannot appreciate the simple things in life. They can't even throw some attention to their only child.

I thought if I do good at school they will have time for me, I had graduated top of my class when I was in high school. Yes, they were present at my graduation but all they do is answer phone calls during the ceremony, they didn't listen to my speech and pretend to other high profile visitors how good of a parent they were.

Divorce! That was the present they gave me after graduation. They say their marriage has been broken for many years and they were just waiting for the right time to tell me.

I left for college when they separated. It was ugly and full of pretensions, just like the charade life they were both been living their whole lives.

Their separation was the last straw that I needed to reach my breaking point. My world fell apart, I neglected my studies, had friends that I thought where good to me and lead me to every trouble that I can't imagine I have done.

That's the time that my perspective of love and relationships change. Being good looking, girls just throw themselves at me. I take advantage of the fact that they adore me and entertain every girl that pay attention to me, maybe because that attention was not given to me by my parents.

One night I received a phone call from my dad.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Son, how are you?" He said.

"I'm great! Let's not pretend that everything's okay, what do you want?" I want to get this over so I go straight to the point.

"I called to invite you, I'm getting married and I hope you can come." He told me. My blood boils when I realize what he just said.

"You know I'm not interested, as if that wedding will not start without me." I bang the phone on its receiver, get my keys and drive to the nearest club in my place.

I was in my fourth drink when a sexy vixen sits on the chair next to me and ordered a drink. She glance at me and smiled. I smirked at her and started a conversation. We were having a good time when someone tap me on my shoulders, I look back to see who dare interrupt me with this hot bade but a fist greeted me and punch me on the face. All hell broke loose after that and I found my self inside a detention cell in the morning.

"Hey, Knight wake up! You have a visitor." Said the police officer.

I rubbed my eyes, sit up right and wait for my visitor.

"Kevin." A familiar voice said.

"Uncle." I said relieve that Uncle Xander came to my rescue. He was the older Brother of my father and the incumbent mayor of our town.

"Son, how many times do I have to use my position to rescue you? This is going down hill and I will not tolerate you after this. You have to change or I will let you rot in jail." Uncle Xander infuriatedly said. It was the first time that I saw him lose his cool, I felt guilty about the things I have done this past year. He was more than a father to me, and to see disappointment in his eyes was an eye opener for me.

"I'm sorry Uncle, I promise this will be the last time that you will come to this kind of place to bail me out." I said sincerely.

"You know son find something to channel your hate to your parents an activity perhaps, boxing or going to the gym can help you release those bottled up emotions. Just remember I am always here for you." He told me.

"Okay Uncle, I will reconsider your suggestion."

That's the start of my new life and the rest becomes history. But, I am still the womanizer that I am during my college days sometimes it gets boring maybe I just haven't met the woman who can tame the lion inside of me.

Many people didn't know that I'm a part owner of the gym, I just want them to know that I'm a trainer. I'm not a regular trainer like the others. I choose the people I want to train. I search their backgrounds first and when they caught my attention I will do everything to be their trainer.

My resent trainee was this girl Ashley, she caught my interest. She's smart, very little self-confidence, introvert, and beautiful but really big. Michelle always talks about her that is why I checked her profile. I have been a bully myself so maybe I want to redeem my self and help this girl.

My charms have no effect on her and that's good. I want her to focus and attain the goal that I set for her. She is very self conscious and it shows on her movements. I want to help her gain trust on her self and in other people.

Ashley's POV

Tomorrow I will experience another adventure, it will be my first hiking and I'm very excited. I already pack my bag, I bring extra clothes and some snacks.

We will be a large group so it will be great traveling with friends. The others who have already visited Waimano falls said that it was an easy hike, an amateur like me will not get a hard time.

I sleep early so that I will be recharged in the morning. I'm a little apprehensive about Kevin picking me up but I already said yes and I cannot take it back.

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