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Because she love this book so much I dedicate this chapter to Liz_bookworm_Nerd surprise, surprise girl! Enjoy reading😘


Ashley's POV

"Hey Ashley, don't you want to join us in the other pool?" I was swimming alone in the second pool when I heard Kevin calling behind me. I face him and saw his naked torso my cheeks instantly reddened just looking at him, why does he affect me this way.

"Maybe later. I'm okay here on my on." I shyly replied and continue to swim.

"If that's the case mind if I join you?" He asked me and slowly descend to the water. He didn't give me a chance to reply.

I feel so awkward around him, why does he have to be so good looking.

"So how was you first time?" He asked all of a sudden.

What does he say? My first time? Oh my! I thought to myself.

"I mean hiking." He shrug his shoulders.

"It was worth it! I'm glad I join, I really enjoy the view and the peacefulness of the place. It's like I found my own paradise." I said smiling to hide my embarrassment. Now I get it.

"I'm glad you liked it. Every month the members of the gym plan an outdoor activity for the group, it could be hiking, diving, snorkeling or camping. As your trainer I encourage you to join every activity. It will not only help you physically but mentally and socially, even spiritually. I hope you get my point." He told me encouragingly.

"If every activity and place would be this great I will not hesitate to join next time." I smiled cheerfully at him. I hope his attending every activity too.

He was very attractive, I like his attitude very caring and kind. I will not be surprised of I fall for him sooner but I will restrain myself if I have to because he will not like a girl like me and he is a well known womanizer. I'm scared of being hurt.

"I'm glad to hear that from you." He said and dive in the water again.

We ate our lunch with bare hands. It's my first time to do that so I'm a little bit apprehensive but with a little encouragement from Kevin and Peter I gave up and dig in. The food was delicious and I enjoyed it very much. After eating we cleaned and rest for a while.

"Ashley I want to show my favorite spot where you can see the best view of Waimano falls. It's not far from here. You might want to bring your camera and take some photos." Kevin approach me.

"Okay, let me get my phone first." I search my bag for my phone.

"Got it!" I said when I found my phone and walk beside him. He take my hand and lead me to the top of the hill. I notice that his a very touchy person in a gentleman way.

"This trail is steep and slippery so be careful." He told me. We stop at good spot, he hold my shoulders, my body prose he looked at my eyes and smiled then he turn me around to face the beautiful view of Waimano falls and the rich forest surrounding it.

"Isn't it a beauty?" He was standing behind me his hand still in my shoulder then he point his index finger at the direction of the falls.

"Wow! it's even beautiful up here. I'm glad you took me here. Thank you." I said looking sideways at him with a thankful smile. Our face was so close I could feel his breath caressing my face.

"Want me to take some photos of you with the falls on the background?" He offered.

"Yes, please." I smiled shyly at him handling my phone.

"Okay, move a little bit on the left side. Yes that's it. Now 1, 2, 3, smile!" He take several pictures of me and some was taken with the both of us on the photo.

"Thanks again Kevin for making my first outdoor experience amazing." I said when we finished taking pictures.

"It okay, you don't have to mention it." He told me before my phone rings.

"Excuse me." I said he just nod his head yes. My face instantly lit up when I saw the caller id.

"Hi Billy." I greeted him eagerly I haven't heard from him since Wednesday.

"Hi Ash, I heard your on a hiking, are you enjoying your trip? God I missed you." Billy speaks on the other line. I can feel Kevin's watching me so I walk a few feet away from him. I feel so awkward around him.

"Yes I'm good, I missed you too." I told him a little bit distracted.

"Are you okay Ash? You seem out of your element. Something wrong?" I heard him said.

"No don't worry about me Billy. I'm just a little bit tired that's all. It's a long walk up here but it's so worth it. You know you have to visit this place on your vacation." I told him excitedly.

"Would you take me there?" He asked sweetly. I can imagine him doing his puppy dog eyes on the other line.

"Of course, I would love too!"

"If that's the case then I'll take my vacation as soon as possible." He mutter.

"Is that true? I'm not kidding Billy I would love to go back to this place over and over again." I was hopeful that his not joking.

"I'm sure Ash. The company has a seminar next month for three weeks and will be held in Ewa so I'll have the weekends off and that will be six days all and all." I listen eagerly at him.

"Really, That's great! I can't wait to see you again." I told him excitedly.

"Me too Ash, I can't wait to see you. I have to go. Take care always!" He said before hanging up.

I got back to the camp site and saw everyone preparing to go home.

"We need to go back before it gets dark. It will be hard to walk at night." I heard Kevin said to the group. I check my belongings and prepare for another journey. He checked everyone and walk to my direction.

"Are you ready?" He asked me.

"Yes, all set and ready to go." I told him.

"Good, okay everyone lets go!" He shout to the group to get their attention.

The walk home was much shorter it only took us forty five minutes to get to where we parked the cars. Kevin offered to put my bag in his car trunk and opened the car door for me.

The drive home was silent but not awkward as before. When we reach my appartment he opened the car door for me again and hurriedly get my things in the trunk. He walk me to my door step.

"I had a wonderful time today thanks for the ride." I told him shyly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Good night Ashley." He said looking into my eyes his face come closer inch by inch on my face then he kissed my cheeks. I close my eyes and inhale his manly scent, his lips lingered before he pull apart from me. 

"Good night Kevin."

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