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I'm at the mall doing some shopping, my clothes was getting loose on me so I need to buy new ones. I'm two sizes smaller than before and I love it!

Whenever I look myself in the mirror now I can see a girl gaining her confidence every day, knowing how to carry her self step by step, a girl who will fight for herself and brave enough to stand for what she believed is right. I'm so proud for that girl, I never knew that she's just inside me waiting to be found.

I was looking at the window display of a gym equipment store when my eyes caught a sight of a very handsome man talking to the store clerk. He had a well-built body, tall, his hair was light brown and long reaching his nape and it seems like he run his hands on it many many times. Eyes that was so expressive in its grey colour like the sky preparing for an unforgiving storm. Upturned nose, full lips and square jaw. His arms were bulging with muscles and his legs was encase in a tight fitting jeans that emphasized his sexy behind and strong legs.

My mouth went dry just watching him and I wet my lips with my tongue to ease the dryness and just like on cue our eyes meet I felt a bolt of electricity run down my whole body. His eyes stares at me intensely, I felt shy caught watching him so I adverted my eyes and leave.

I got home and put my purchases inside the closet. I was watching the news when my mind wonder to a hot grey eyed man. He's like a model, I wonder who he is.

I'm going to the gym later, I will meet my new trainer today. I hope his good just like what Michelle said.

Michelle was waiting for me at the reception when I arrived.

"Hi Michelle!" I greeted her.

"Hi Ashley, so are you ready to meet your new instructor?" She mutters.

"Ahm..I'm a little bit nervous, let me put my bag in my locker first and I'll see you inside."

I was making my way to the locker room when I bump into someone which causes the drink his holding to spill on his shirt.

"What the hell?!" He yells looking at his spoilt shirt.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry." I said and help him clean his shirt using my towel.

"What are you doing? You know just get the hell away from me!" He said and pushes my hand a little hard. What a jerk!

I looked at his face and got frozen in my spot. He has that expressive stormy grey eyes that I saw earlier today and now those eyes was full of hatred focus on me.

"I'm really sorry." I said and walk to the girl’s locker room. Such a waste of a pretty face for a rude man.

I was very nervous going back to the gym area, what if I saw Mr Grey eyes again, but I need to get out of here because Michelle was waiting for me.

I make my way to the door slowly and glance outside, I want to make sure that he is not there waiting for me. When I am certain that it is safe to go out I looked for Michelle and there she is beside the treadmill talking to a man. His back was facing me so I cannot see his face.

Michelle saw me walking to their direction and she smiled at me.

"Sorry I took so long." I apologized to her.

"It’s okay, let me introduce you to your new instructor. Ashley this is Kevin Knight." The man faced me and smiled I looked in his face to see that he is Mr Grey eyes, I wanted to faint so that I'll have an excuse not to talk to him.

"Kevin this is Ashley Simpson." Michelle continues.

I give Mr Grey eyes an awkward smile.

"Hi Ashley." He offered his hand for me to shake. I observe his reaction his smiling genuinely at me. I hope his not angry at me anymore.

"Hi Kevin, sorry again about earlier." I take his offered hand hesitantly. His touch feels so warm and inviting, my hands want to melt with his.

"It’s okay, I'm sorry if I'm being rude to you too. I'm just in a bad mood earlier. Forgive me." He sincerely apologized.

"It's okay, let's forget about it."

After our introductions we proceed to my new training routine. I feel so awkward whenever his near me especially when his showing me what to do and I can't help myself but drool when his muscles are flexing in front of me.

How could somebody be so good looking and hot like him? I thought to myself.

I found out that Kevin compete in international body building competitions and co-owner of the sports equipment store at the mall where I saw him earlier. Being a trainer was just a hobby for him, he likes to share his expertise and experiences to other people who wants to be fit and healthy just like him. He even conducts free motivational speaking in schools to encourage students to engage themselves in sports.

I thought he is a jerk but now I can see that he is a good man.

My session ended and it was good I enjoyed talking to him. Making my way to the parking lot I saw Kevin talking to a woman outside the gym. They look like arguing, I can see the tension in his face. The girl slaps him and leave. Kevin entered his car and drove off. I wonder what that was all about.

I drove straight home, I enter my apartment when my phone rings, I checked the id and it was Billy.

"Hi Billy! What's up?" I answered.

"Nothing just checking up on you. Anything new?" He asked.

"Well, I've met my new trainer. His Kevin Knight a professional body builder. Have you ever heard of him? I know you’re fond of sports like that.

"Are you kidding me? You don't know who The Knight is! He has won six international titles in just two years. How lucky of you to have a trainer like him." He starts blabbering on the other line.

"You know I'm not a sports fan so I am not familiar of him."

"Will you get me an autograph from him? Please! “He begs.

"I'll just set you a meeting with him when you had a vacation, is that a good deal to you?" I said.

"Wow! That would be awesome. I think I want to go home now." He said jokingly.

"Oh, so The Knight is the only reason you’re going home!" I pretended that I'm hurt.

"Of course not, I miss my mom’s cooking too, Waikiki beach and what's that? Ahhm... I missed hanging out with you." He said laughing on the other line.

"Ah you’re making fun of me ha! Will see about that." I said seriously.

"Oh don't be such a baby, I'm just messing with you. You know I missed you more than anything."

The Fat Girl's Journey To Happiness (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now