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Jeremy stayed for a month and we had a bonding time together. He persuades me to avail a gym membership and I give in, maybe it's time for me to expose myself to the world. Michelle was the gym instructor assigned to me, she's really good at her work and didn't treat me indifferent because of my size. She helps me choose the training that suits my personality. I get bored easily that's why she made a schedule for me to do every week she said it was called cross training and I love it. She shares tips and advice to me that is very helpful for my new routine. I lost another 30 lbs. during my training with her.

I started job hunting too, I pass my resume to five companies that I'm interested. I hope they will call me soon.

I was doing bicep curls when Michelle approaches me.

"Ashley can I talk to you for a minute." She asked.

"Yes of course, why?" I wonder what it was.

"I just want you to know that I'm assigning a new instructor to you because I'm getting married and moving to Washington. Don't worry he's good and I know he will take good care of you. Your session with him will start next week." She told me.

"Wow! I didn't know you're getting married. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. It's okay I trust your judgement in choosing the new instructor for me. I'm just sad because I will not see you anymore I will miss my sexy instructor." I teased her and hug her.

"Oh thank you for the compliment, I will miss you too. By the way you're invited on my wedding, I will give you the invitation later."

I wonder who my new instructor is. I hope his as good and kind as Michelle.

One of the companies called me for an interview, I'm positive that I will get the job with my credentials and achievement.

My interviewer was a middle aged man, he look very snobbish and strict. His wearing square black rimmed thick eyeglasses, he looks like a college dean that you don't want to mess with.

"Good morning Sir." I greeted when I entered the room.

"Good morning. I am Mr Levi Sanchez, I'm your interviewer today. You may take a sit." He said.

"Thank you." I feel so nervous, my hands are shaking and I tried to hide it under the table when he asked me to sit.

"So tell me something about yourself." He said seriously.

"My name is Ashley Simpson, I am twenty three years old. I live in Honolulu. My parents are Donald Simpson and Regina Simpson. My mother is a Filipina, she is a nurse and my father is an accountant, he is half American and Half Scottish. I Graduated Master Accountancy in the University of Hawaii in Moana, I am the Magna Cum Laude in my class." I was glad I didn't stutter.

"What is the name of your mother again?" He asked.

"It is Regina Simpson, Sir." I wonder why he has to ask.

"Regina, she is a Filipina you said." He asked again.

"Yes sir." I answer wondering why.

"Your mother is the one who takes care of my daughter when she was in the hospital. She is a really good nurse." I heard Mr Sanchez said he was smiling at me now, I was taken aback by his change of mood.

"I'm happy that my mother help you in anyway Sir. She is really good at her job that's why I'm so proud of her." I told him.

He asked me a lot of questions after that. He was impressed by my achievements and he asked me some more about my family. I learned that his daughter had leukaemia and stayed in and out of the hospital for almost a year during her chemo-therapy. Mr Sanchez and my mother became good friends.

I received another call saying that I had an interview in another company. This one went well too. They both say that I'll just wait for the confirmation if I get the job.

I'm living my life now outside the box. I met many people in the gym that inspires me of their own stories. I thought I was the only one who experience bullying because of my appearance but I found out I'm not the only one and I don't have to live burying myself in pity.

Billy was moving to Washington he got a job there and his leaving today. I will miss him deeply. He and Bethany broke up after graduation, I don't know what's the exact reason is but I can see that Billy was badly affected by it that's why he wants to go away.

I'm not selfish enough to ask him to stay even if I want him too. If that's what will make him happy I will support him.

"Billy take care of yourself always, I will missed you so much!" I said hugging him.

"I will miss you too Ash, it's not like I'm not coming back anymore. I will visit you and my family whenever I have time and I will call you often." He told me running his fingers in my hair. I'm trying to hold back my tears but I can't take it anymore and cried in his shoulders.

"Oh! Don't cry Ash, I didn't think you love me this much for you to cry on me like this." He said kissing my forehead.

"You know I love you, you idiot! I'm just worried because you're so forgetful that you might forget to go back home." I said crying and smiling at the same time.

"You know I will always remember home and I will never forget you. I love you. Ah.. I love my best friend." He said scratching the back of his head and blushing.

I was preoccupied absorbing the things that he said to notice his reaction.

"Your plane is leaving now son." Mr King said behind me.

"So this is it Ash, I'll see you when I see you." He said before he walks away.

I watch him go and walk further away from me. I want to shout at him and tell him what I really feel and then he will come back and confess his feelings for me but that scene only happens in the movies. This is reality and it is not a perfect world. I will just imagine it in my dreams.


Song for this CHAPTER

Leaving on a jetplane by Chantal Kreviazuk

The Fat Girl's Journey To Happiness (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن