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"Are you sure you’re going to be alright?" Momma asked.

"Yes Momma, don't worry too much." I said.

"Don't hesitate to call us if you need anything baby." Papa said hugging me.

"Yes Papa, I will." I'm so happy I have very loving parents.

"Take care of yourself baby, I love you." Momma said hugging me too.

"I love you both."

Momma and Papa were so worried about me that they want me to move in with them at Waipahu because I was alone at my little apartment in Honolulu.

Going back to school was not a problem even if I was in the hospital for a month and I had to rest at my parent’s home for another two weeks. The lectures Billy given me was a big help. My professors gave me special exams for the once I missed.

"Is that the girl who falls from the stairs?" I heard someone said.

"I thought she died from the accident?" Another one asked.

"No, one of my classmates said that she had a concussion." The other girl replied.

Some students stare and whisper when they saw me, I know they heard the news about my accident. I feel self-conscious but I'm not letting their opinions affect me anymore.

"I'm so happy you can finally attend school, I missed sitting beside you." Billy said when he saw me in one of our classes.

"You just missed me because you don't have someone to ask what's the right answer when there is an exam." I said teasing him. I know he meant what he said.

"Yeah, I missed that too!" He said smiling mischievously at me.

"I knew it!" I pout my lips and slap his arm. He chuckled and I laugh at our antics.

Billy was more caring to me than before, I feel like a princess he was always beside me and that makes Bethany's hatred for me grow even more. She always gives me the evil eye whenever we cross path.

"So your back, Billy was so worried about you. He always talks about you, your progress and everything else coming out of his mouth was all about you. It was so annoying." She said irritated.

"I'm not the one you should talk to about your complaints, you should talk to your boyfriend Bethany." I told her.

"Now you found the guts to talk back to me, your accident must damage your brain or something." She has always been the one to throw insults to anyone.

"Sorry Bethany but I am not going to step down to your level and throw insults at you. If I where you I will talk to Billy and trust our relationship if you don't want what you have to go to waste." I said what I wanted to say and leave her gaping at me. I feel exhilarated that for the first time in my life I stand up for myself.

I'm thinking of taking a big step and change my life style, since the accident I felt like I need to be active in order to prevent myself from getting hurt physically. I weigh 300 lbs. I'm quite big for 5 feet 8 inches. I never tried to exercise or diet my whole life.

I research for ways to lose some weight, the right diet and exercises that I can do inside my house. I start with the food I eat every day. I usually eat foods high in fats, sugars, carbohydrates, fast foods and processed.

Now I'm trying to cut down consuming foods that are not good for me and eat organic, I substitute my cravings for sweets with fruits, and vegetables, lots of fiber and lean meet. It was difficult at first, I have to fight cravings and push myself to achieve the results that I want to see.

After two weeks I can feel that my body is getting stronger. I don't feel weak and sleepy anymore. I bought exercise videos that I can do at home and tried to copy the steps. It was hard to move with my big belly and heavy weight but after a week my body and coordination adjust to the activity.

Momma suggests that I go to a gym, I don't think I have the courage and confidence to face other people yet. I'm happy about what I do alone in the comport of my house, maybe I will consider that option in the future.

After four weeks of diet and exercise I lost 20 lbs. and two inches on my waist line. I feel so happy about my achievement but I still have a long way to go.

I excel in school and received a lot of awards and recognition. Its graduation next week I'm so excited that finally I finished my degree and face another journey in my life. I hope this new phase of my life would be kind to me.

Momma surprised me with a whole day of spa treatment before my graduation day. I had a whole body massage, body scrub, foot spa and have my nails done. She even joins me so we can have a mother and daughter bonding. This moments rarely happen because being the head nurse she's always busy and on call.

The day of the graduation comes. Momma called a stylist to do my hair and make-up she even bought the dress that I'm going to wear.

My parent was so excited because I'm the Magna Cum Laude of our class. I really push myself to excel in academics as a way to show my appreciation and gratitude to their hard work and love for me.

During the ceremony I can’t keep my eyes to wonder because I was searching for someone in the crowd. He promised that he will be here at this particular moment to congratulate me personally.

I finished my speech and it was nerve wracking I thought I could not finish but when I saw my brother waving at me in the middle of the crowd I felt a boost of energy in my system and continue.

He was one of my inspirations and the one that I look up to. I though he will not show up but he keep his promise.

"Good job lil' sis!" He greeted and hugs me tightly.

"I thought you will not come. London's been good to you, you look amazing!" I said looking at him. He became buff since I last saw him.

"I will not miss this for the world and you know I always look good." He said smirking and flexing his biceps.

"Oh don't be so full of yourself." I said pinching his nose.

"You look different now, you’re blooming. Do you have a boyfriend? I have to meet the guy my lil' sis is in love with." He said placing his hand around my shoulder.

"Nah, I don't have any. Maybe it's because of the little weight I lost this fast month." I told him shrugging my shoulders.

"Well whatever you’re doing it was good for you, keep that up and remember be safe always co'z your big bro loves you so much." He gives my cheek a sloppy kiss.

"Eww...don't do that to me! That was disgusting, I’m not a kid anymore. You know let's just find our parents so we can have our celebration for tonight." I pull his arm and walk to where my parents were seated.


Song for this CHAPTER

Firework by Katy Perry

The Fat Girl's Journey To Happiness (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang