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Kevin's POV

I don't know what's gotten into me but when I heard from the guys that it's the first time Ashley is going to go hiking I became so exited that I even insist that I will pick her up so I'll be sure that she's really coming.

It was part of my goal for her, I want her to explore so I thought this is one of the best opportunity we can get and I'll make sure that she enjoys it.

"Bro your pretty serious about this "helping Ashley" thing. I think you have a hidden agenda about her." Peter one of my co-trainer at the gym told me one day.

"It's not like that, you know me I'm always serious when I want to achieve something." I said puzzled why he said that.

"You know man, I think your just not aware of it now but I think your attractive to her. I'm sure about that." He smirked at me teasingly and left me at the lobby.

Am I really attracted to her? Maybe? Nah more like concerned. I thought to myself.

We are now at the falls enjoying the water. I take off my shirt and dive. I saw Ashley walking to the direction of the second pool, she's trying to avoid everyone again and be her loner self.

I decided to follow her so she will have company. I walk to the direction of the second pool, just as I expected she was alone swimming.

"Hey Ashley, don't you want to join us in the other pool?" I asked her.

"Maybe later. I'm okay here on my on." She replied shyly.

"If that's the case mind if I join you?" I asked her but I will make sure that she can't say no, so I slowly descend to the water and take a swim.

I can feel how awkward she is now that I'm here with her, maybe I'll try to have a conversation with her to get to know her more.

"So how was you first time?" I asked. She look at me puzzled.

"I mean hiking." I shrug my shoulders. How stupid of me.

"It was worth it! I'm glad I join, I really enjoy the view and the peacefulness of the place. It's like I found my own paradise." She said smiling at me. She's pretty cute.

"I'm glad you liked it. Every month the members of the gym plan an outdoor activity for the group, it could be hiking, diving, snorkeling or camping. As your trainer I encourage you to join every activity. It will not only help you physically but mentally and socially, even spiritually. I hope you get my point." I told her hoping she will take my advice.

"If every activity and place would be this great I will not hesitate to join next time." She smiled cheerfully at me.

She's not like every girl I have met before who's always flirting with me. She's so innocent and shy. I like that, after all that she's been through she remain the pure and sweet Ashley. She's different.

"I'm glad to hear that from you." I said and dive in the water again.

It's lunch time the guys gathered around a large boulder and bring out the foods that they pack. We have a tradition to share all the foods that we brought and eat together with our bare hands. It was messy but fun.

Ashley was a little bit hesitant to join us, I understand because she is not accustomed about eating like this.

"Ashley come stand beside me I will teach you how to eat the knight style, come on." I walk beside her, take her hand and lead her to the others.

"Come on don't be shy, this is the way we eat when we have outdoor activities like this. It's kind of a tradition." Peter said to Ashley. She smiled and grab some fish on the tray and put it on her plate.

I smile at Peter a little bit help will do big in improving Ashley's social skills. He wink at me, looked at Ashley then to me and smirk teasingly.

I just shake my head at his antics and continue eating. Ashley was enjoying her lunch and talking to the others.

After our abundant feast we cleaned and make sure that no one leaves a single trash on the site. Some continue swimming while the others take a nap or explore the other side of the falls.

"Ashley I want to show my favorite spot where you can see the best view of Waimano falls. It's not far from here. You might want to bring your camera and take some photos." I approach her.

"Okay, let me get my phone first." She stands up and search her bag for her phone.

"Got it!" She said and walk beside me. I take her hand and lead her to the top of the hill.

"This trail is steep and slippery so be careful." I told her. We stop at an even surface and I hold her shoulders, turn her around to face the beautiful view of Waimano falls and the rich forest surrounding it.

"Isn't it a beauty?" I was standing behind her my hand still in her shoulder and I point my index finger at the direction of the falls.

"Wow! it's even beautiful up here. I'm glad you took me here. Thank you." She said looking at me with a thankful smile.

"Want me to take some photos of you with the falls on the background?" I offered.

"Yes, please." She smiled shyly at me handling her phone.

"Okay, move a little bit on the left side. Yes that's it. Now 1, 2, 3, smile!" I take several pictures of her and some was taken with the both of us on the photo.

"Thanks again Kevin for making my first hiking experience amazing." She said when we finished taking pictures.

"It's okay, you don't have to mention it." I told her. Then her phone rings.

"Excuse me." She said and answered her phone. I just nod my head yes.

"Hi Billy! Yes I'm good, I missed you too." I heard her say, her face lit up when she answered the phone. I walk away from her because I don't want her to think that I'm listening with her conversation but I didn't miss the name of the guy she's talking too.

Billy, does she have a boyfriend? But Michelle said she never had one. Why does it concern me, oh! I sound staker-ish.

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