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Ashley's POV

I heard my alarm clock ringing. Its four o'clock already! I still want to sleep. I snooze my alarm and get back to sleep.

Kevin was kissing me again, his lips was so soft and it feels so good beneath my lips.

"I like you Ashley, I like you a lot." Kevin said breathlessly after our heated kiss.

"Kevin I like you too." I replied and captured his lips again.


I opened my eyes and look for my alarm clock, turn it off and walk sleepily to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and dressed.

I was drinking coffee and thinking of my latest dream when I heard a knock on the door. His here!

"Good morning!" Kevin greeted me.

"Good morning! Please come in, have a sit. I'll just get my stuff." I greet him awkwardly and let him in. To think that I had a weird dream about him again was doing this crazy things to me. I can't even looked at him straight in the eye.

"Okay. Take your time." He said.

I walk quickly to my room and grab my bag. I check my appearance in the mirror and walk outside. He was looking at me intently as I near his place.

"Shall we?" He asked and I just nod my head yes.

The drive towards Manana trail was twenty minutes. It was the most awkward twenty minutes of my life. I was sitting silently on the passenger seat looking out the window thinking of how to start a conversation with him when I felt his hand brush at my arm. I was startled. I shift my vision on him, he was looking great as always. His long hair was still wet some strands had fallen in his forehead. I resist the urge to fix it myself and run my hand thought his hair.

Oh what are you thinking Ashley! He is a womanizer. I reprimand myself.

"I heard it's your first time to hike?" He said while driving, he glance at me in a brief second then return his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit nervous and excited." I smiled at him.

"Don't worry I will be your guide, I have been in Waimano falls many times." He touch my hand briefly and I shiver. Why do I always feel like this whenever any part of our body had contact.

We are the first to arrived. Our group was consist of 18 people, 3 instructors and 15 gym members including me.

Kevin take a sit on a large stone under a three and rummage on his backpack. I saw him take out sandwiches.

"I haven't had time to take breakfast. Here have some." He said and offered a sandwich to me.

"Thank you." I remember I just had coffee and I don't want to collapse while walking due to starvation.

"It has been raining this past days. that's good, the water fall will have plenty of water but the way up will be slippery so you have to be extra careful." He inform me.

"Thanks for the heads up." I said and eat my sandwich.

Before we finished eating all the members of our group arrived. We prepare for the hike and offered a prayer for the safety of our journey.

We walk towards the forest trail. The path was under the canopies of large trees. Kevin was walking beside me, sometimes he holds my hand to guide me when the way was steep.

I was breathing hard after thirty minutes. It was another thirty minutes hike before we reach the falls. The trail was very slippery and muddy. Some was steep and we have to hold on to the branches and roots of trees for support. We were surrounded by forest, the view was breathtaking. Some members slip and all we can do was laugh and help them stand up. It was a very fun hike, I had so much fun.

"Aaahhh!" My foot slip and I close my eyes and brace myself for the impact but my body didn't come in contact with the ground instead someone holds me on my waist and prevent my fall. I slowly opened my eyes and it come in contact with those mesmerizing grey eyes.

"Are you okay Ashley?" Kevin asked me concerned. His face was inches from me and he was still holding my waist. My hands was around his shoulders and I can't breathe or speak. I just looked at him like I am frozen in time.

"Yeah I'm good now thank you." I release my hold on him, tried to compose myself and my heavily beating heart.

"Are you sure? We can stop for a minute to rest here then will just follow the others to the falls." He told me.

"It's okay Kevin I'm not tired. Come on let's go." I smile and walk ahead of him.

I can feel that his eyes was on me but I ignored it and continue to walk carefully because I don't want a repeat of what happened.

I can hear the gushing of water nearby, my excitement get the best of me and I walk faster to the direction of the sound.

"Careful Ashley we're on top of the falls." I heard Kevin said behind me so I slowed down.

We reach the top of the falls in ten minutes. It was very enchanting the water was gushing, it was clear and moving fast. There are two pools you can swim in. Because we are on top of the falls we have to trek down to reach the pools.

Looking around it feels like I found my very own paradise. I'm very thankful that I had my second chance in life to experience this kind of euphoria.

I sit in a nearby stone, close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can smell the fresh water, the forest and earth.

I was watching them swim on the pool, some was diving and hanging on the rope swing.

"Hey Ashley, take a swim the water is refreshing. Come on!" Miles one of my friends called me.

"Just a minute. I just want to enjoy the view first." I replied.

I got up from my seat and walk the trail leading to the second pool. I was looking at the trees when my eyes caught Kevin taking off his shirt. My eyes travel to his well defined abdomen up to his perfect chess. He had a sun kissed skin.

My breath hitch and my mouth watered. I have never seen a perfect specimen of a man.

It was such a sin to be this beautiful. I want to run my hands on every slope of that abs... wait what?

Ashley wake up don't give in to that temptation and stop drooling!

I continue to walk as if I didn't saw anything and when I reach the second pool I slowly descend and take a quick swim on the cold and refreshing water.

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