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Yoongi's POV:
I waited for an answer from Jimin, it felt like I waited years for his answer until he gave me his answer. He shrugged without looking at me.
"Aish this kid..." I mumbled to myself.
"You don't say anything?" I looked at him, but he just shrugged again. I sighted loudly.
"Do you know that she cried?" I said. He immediately sat up and looked at me.
"What?" He looked shooked.
"She cried." I watched him how he looked at the floor and grabbed with his hands into his hair.
"I know you think everything is your fault, but it isn't." I knew he didn't believe me and I hated to see him like that. He always thought everything was his fault.
"Jimin I know what you think." I came closer to him.
"Stop to think everything is your fault, stand up and find out what happened and who did that, do something instead of despairing while doing nothing." I told Jimin.
"...... you're right." He looked up at me and wanted to run outside, but I pulled him back on the couch.
"Not now Jimin. Tomorrow in school. Don't wait for me and Arya, go to school and try to find out something if you don't find something out, try to talk to her." I looked at the younger male who nodded his head.
"Okay.... thank you hyung." He smiled lightly. I ruffled his hair before I stood up.
"Will you go back now?" He also stood up.
"Yeah I should." I put the blanket around me back on the couch. He nodded his hesd and took an umbrella of somewhere. He gave it smiling to me.
"Thanks Jiminie." I smiled back and left his house, after I took my shoes on.

Next morning, Yoongi's POV:
I waited downstairs for Arya, but she didn't come. I walked confused to her room and knocked at her door.
"Arya why do you need that long?" I knocked again at her door.
"I won't come to school." She said quietly, but I could hear her.
"Why not?" I sighted.
"I.... I.... I'm sick..." She said, but I could hear that she was unsure. I opened the door and walked to her bed where she was still laying in.
"You are sick?" I looked down at her. She nodded while she covered her half face with a blanket.
"What do you have?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Uhhh....uhh...uhm.." She looked away.
"Yesss?" I came closer to her.
"Okay okay I'm not sick..." She pouted.
"I know..." I sighted again and watched her how she stood up and took her school uniform out, before she pushed me carefully out of her room. I waited a few minutes for her. She then came downstairs and I handed her her lunch box. We then went to school and I looked sometimes at her, but it seemed like she wouldn't care that Jimin wasn't there. I walked with Arya to her classroom before I walked to my own. I sat down beside Jimin who was already there.
"And?" I looked curious at him, but he sighted.
"I didn't find anything out and if I'm honest I didn't know what to search or who to ask. I mean I can't go to every random girl and ask if she did that." He said quietly.
"Yeah okay you're right." I nodded and thought about what he could do. The only thing that came to my mind was that he really should talk to her.
"You should-" I couldn't finish my sentence, because he cut me off.
"Yeah I know... I should talk to her." He sighted again while I nodded. We couldn't continue to talk as the teacher came inside the classroom and started the lesson.

After the lesson, Arya's POV:
I walked with Yuka out of the classroom to the cafeteria. I looked up to search a table with her, but widened my eyes as I looked to a table. I closed my eyes for a moment and sighted before I opened them again. I walked to a table followed by Yuka and sat down with my back turned to Jimin and his girlfriend who was sitting on his lap with her hands wrapped around him.

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