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Yoongi's POV:
"Why?" I looked at her, but she was confused.
"Sorry what do you mean Yoongi?" She asked me.
"I mean why did you engaged her with Jimin now? She is so young and so confused." I watched her as she sat down on the couch.
"I know Yoongi I know... I was very unsure at first, but after I talked to Jimins parents I noticed that it will be the best for her. It wasn't my idea, it was the idea of his parents, but they were right with their thoughts." She said while I sat down across from her.
"Did you also think about her feelings? Well I don't know, but I don't think that she loves him right now... She don't understand that and I also don't know if Jimin loves her. I mean what if they both don't love each other when they become older and should marry?" I looked at her and noticed the look of my dad on me, but ignored it.
"Yes of course I thought about her feelings she is my daughter, but I'm her mother and I know what is the best for her." She smiles at me. I always liked Sumi, but I wasn't sure in that moment if she really thought about the best for Arya.
"And what if they both don't love each other when they become older?" I asked again.
"I don't know Yoongi." Her smile dissapeared for a short moment, but appeared as fast as it was gone again.
"Huh?" I said, unsure if it was serious what she said.
"I don't know." She said again and I hadn't words anymore. An awkward silence arised between us, but my father broke it after a while.
"Yoongi it's getting late." He looked smiling at me. I didn't think he was mad at me, I think he liked it that I was worried about Arya.
"Yeah appa." I rolled smiling with my eyes before I went upstairs to my room. I couldn't remember when my dad told me the last time before that, that I should go to my room also if it was indirectly. I closed the door behind me and jumped sighting on my bed. I got a message so I took my phone out and saw it was from Jimin.

Jimin                                                Yoongi

How is she?                   I don't know, she
                                        is sleeping. How
                                                      are you?

I'm fine... I guess.                   You guess?

Don't worry about                That don't  
me hyung. I'm okay as       sound right.
long as she is okay.

...She wanted me to        Will you come?
come over tomorrow.

I dunno... what do                  I also don't
you say?                              know, but she
                                          should get used
                                           to you and you
                                                  also to her.

Yeah I think                             So you will
you're right.                            come over?

Yup.                                            Okay, and
                                                   when will
                                                   you come?

Uhh... 3 pm.?                               Okay see
                                                  you then. :)

See you. :)

Yoongi's POV:
I was worried about Jimin even if he told me to not be. Of course I was worried, he was my best friend and never talked a lot about his feelings. He always thought it would only burden others so he stayed quiet, but always listened to his friends if they needed someone to talk.
I closed my eyes while I thought a lot about Jimin and Arya till I fell asleep.

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