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Next day in school, Arya's POV:
That morning Jimin came again to us to walk together with Yoongi and me to school. He said he would do that every morning. I told him that he didn't have to do that, but I couldn't change his mind.
I layed with my head on the table in the classroom while I was deep in my thoughts, so I didn't notice Yuka who sat down beside me. She waved in front of my face to get my attention.
"H-huh?" I looked up at her. She smiled.
"Good morning." She smiled brightly.
"Good morning." I said sleepy. The teacher came inside the classroom and started the lesson.
I was so happy as the lesson was over. Yuka and me stood up and walked out of the classroom.
"Can you wait in the cafeteria? I want to put something into my locker." I smiled at Yuka. She nodded her head before she walked the direction of the cafeteria. I started to walk to my locker and met Yoongi and Jimin on my way.
"Hey cutie." Yoongi said smiling while Jimin layed his arm around my shoulder.
"Hey." I smiled shyly at them both.
"What are you doing? Are you alone?" Yoongi asked.
"I told Yuka to wait in the cafeteria because I want to put my books into my locker." I smiled more at them.
"Oh okay, then see you later?" Both asked smiling brightly. I nodded my head and waved at them as they left. I walked to my locker and put my books inside it. As I wanted to walk to the cafeteria someone grabbed my arm and pushed me against the lockers. I closed my eyes for a moment from the pain and saw a beautiful, older girl as I opened them again.
"W-who are you?" I looked up at the older girl.
"Listen!" She came closer to me.
"I saw what you did, who do you think you are!?" She looked mad at me.
"H-huh?" I didn't understand what she meant.
"I saw you with Jimin yesterday and today! He is MINE so back off and don't even try to talk to him again! He only loves me okay!?" She came closer and closer. I didn't know what to say. Did he really love her? I felt weird, I didnt know what feeling that was, but everything felt wrong.
"Answer me!" She nearly screamed at me, but I still didn't know what to say. I looked around for help, but nobody where there.
"Do you love my boyfriend or what!?" She looked very mad, but did I love Jimin? I didn't thought that I loved him like she did. I guessed that I loved him more like a friend.
"N-no... I don't love him..." I mumbled and looked on the floor.
"Better for you! And I hope for you that I won't see you again near him or you won't see a tomorrow." I nodded my head before she pushed me on the ground. She then took a water bottle out of her bag, to splash some water into my face before she walked away. I felt tears in my eyes and hated myself for beeing weak. In the school I was before, I got bullied by my classmates and in that school I got bullied again just not by my classmates. I stood up and whipped my tears away, even if my whole face was wet, before I ran to the cafeteria. I told Yuka that I didn't feel well and that I wanted to go home. She understood it and asked me if she could have my phone number. I gave it to her her before I left and walked out of the cafeteria. I felt the look of Yoongi and Jimin on me who were also in the cafeteria. I tried to ignore them and walked home.

Jimin's POV:
Yoongi and me watched how Arya ran to this girl who walked home with her the day before. I thought her name was Yuka. As fast as she appeared Arya dissapeared again. I had a bad feeling and didn't know why. I stood up and walked over to Yuka.
"Uhm.. hey, you are Yuka right?" I asked the younger girl. She nodded her head shyly.
"Is... is Arya alright?" I looked shortly at Yoongi who was watching us.
"S-she said, she doesn't feel well and want to go home." She looked shyly up at me.
"Oh uhm... okay thank you Yuka." I nodded my head slowly and bowed. Why didn't she tell it to me or even Yoongi?
"You're welcome." Yuka mumbled. I smiled shortly at her before I went back to Yoongi.

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