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Jimin's POV:
I carried Arya the whole way home, she calmed down as I was walking, but we both stayed quiet. I opened the house door as we arrived and carried Arya upstairs to my room. Then I sat her down on my bed before I sat down beside her.
"Arya, Jihe was never my girlfriend or anyone else. She is just a s-............ someone who I would never date or something. I don't know why she told you that, but it was a mistake. I don't love her and I'm so sorry for everything what happened. That is all my fault I should have had done earlier something.... I'm so sorry Arya." I looked over at her and saw her teary eyes.
"I'm also sorry Jimin, I should have listened and talked to you, but I was so stupid." She took me into her arms. I hugged her back and whiped her tears away. We stayed a long time like that until she fell asleep in my arms. I layed her down on my bed and covered her with my blankets. I kissed her forehead before I went downstairs to the kitchen. There I took my phone out to text Yoongi.

Jimin                                                Yoongi

She is okay.                                 And you?

I'm also okay.                     Are you sure?

Yes, don't worry
Yoongi.                                  Alright then.

Jimin's POV:
I put my phone away and looked around in the kitchen. I wanted to cook something. I thought Arya would be hungry if she wakes up also if I knew that she was nearly never hungry and didn't eat much, but it was normal for her. I started to try to cook something, in the hope it wouldn't be that bad, because I wasn't the best at cooking.

Two hours later, Arya's POV:
I woke up and looked around. I was in Jimin's room. I always liked his room, but wasn't that often there. Jimin came more often to Yoongi and me. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. I felt better since Jimin and me talked earlier. I was glad that everything was only a big mistake, but I also felt so stupid for not listing to Jimin, and telling him to go as he tried to talk with me the time before.
I washed my face in the bathroom bathroom before I walked downstairs. I walked to the living room where Jimin was sitting while he scrolled through his phone. He looked up at me and put his phone away.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm okay what about you?" I sat down beside him.
"Same... are you hungry? I tried to cook something..." he mumbled shyly.
"Sure." I smiled at him. I wasn't that hungry, but he tried to cook so I would eat anything he did. I knew he gave his best when he was cooking, because he wasn't the best at it, but tried everything. He smiled brightly before he pulled me with him to the kitchen.
"I tried to make Bibimbap..." he mumbled while he put everything on the table.
"Woa really!?" I helped him to put everything on the table. He nodded his head shyly.
We sat down and started to eat.
"It's great Jimin!" I smiled amazed at him. It was really good.
"You don't need to lie..." he mumbled shyly.
"I'm not lying, it's really good!" I smiled more at him.
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it." He eye smiled brightly.
After we finished our meal we went back to the living room and sat down on the couch.
"I maybe should text Yuka, she seemed worried..." I said as I took my phone out.
"You told her everything right?" He watched me.
"Yeah... I'm sorry if you didn't like it..." I looked at my phone.
"No it's okay." He said before he turned the TV on.

Arya                                                    Yuka

Hey Yuka.                Arya how are you!?

I'm alright
don't worry
everything was            I'm glad that you
a mistake.                                   are okay.

Thank you
for everything.               You're welcome.

See you                              Sure and let's
tomorrow? :)             meet soon okay? :)

Yup :)                                              Great :)

Arya's POV:
I looked back at Jimin who turned on some music on the TV. He started to dance, he then pulled me up.
"You have to dance too." He chuckled. I shook giggling my head and danced with him.

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