Taehyung just sighed as he was left to look at your back and drooped shoulders. All the way to the curb, there was nothing but silence between you two. Even as you waited for a cab, not one word was said.

"That was the 3rd damn one already," he was getting super annoyed. "The heck is wrong with these people?"

"It's not their fault. It is getting pretty late and everyone just wants to get home," you said.

"Whatever, we'll just have to wait for another one."

As you peeked up at him, you could see Taehyung in all his sulky glory. If you were to guess, it would probably be because you've been passed by 3 cabs straight. Looking up towards the sky, you could see the sun starting to set. Two hours had already gone by since those 3 cabs passed by. Not only did your feet hurt, but you were feeling a bit self-conscious of the people that stared as they walked by. All you wanted to do at this point was get home, take a shower and go to sleep.

"Hey, did you feel that?" Taehyung asked, with his palm held out.

"Feel wh--" Just then, you felt something wet drop onto your nose. "What the..." When you looked up, you saw the night sky accompanied by a huge rain cloud, ready to pour on everything within its range. "Rain? I didn't hear anything about rain today!" All you could do was stare up at the clouds in disbelief. Was this seriously happening? Less than 5 seconds later, you had your answer: a complete downpour started to fall.

"Come on, let's go!" Without wasting any time, you followed behind Taehyung when he dashed to get to get some shelter. The bus stop across the street was the closest thing with a roof, so that's where you stood for protection.

"Completely soaked," you said, as you looked down onto yourself. "And it's getting super cold." You rubbed your hands together in hopes that it would warm them up, even if only a little. When you looked over to him, you could see Taehyung doing the same, as well as huffing on them a little. "Are you okay?"

"Hm?" he glanced down at you. "Oh, yeah..." he looked off again. But that face, nor that voice, was nowhere near the word 'okay'. Something was bothering him, yet you couldn't figure out what it was. "I just wish I would've known it was going to rain."

Of course, it had to be the rain that was bringing this down your mood. "It's this situation, right? I guess neither of us was paying attention to the news this morning," you cracked a little smile, but nothing was returned from his end. Unable to see his boxy smile, you quit while you were ahead and just kept silent. 'I guess he's not in the mood to talk then.' All you could do now was try to heat up your nearly numb hands as best you could to keep them from turning into icicles.

"Here," he held out an open palm in front of you.

"What is it?" You looked up to him, then down at his stretched arm.

"You're cold aren't you? Take my hand."

You were a bit confused, since you thought he didn't want to interact with you, but obliged nonetheless. When you felt his hands slowly close around yours, you felt the sides of your lips tugging upward. "Your hands are usually warm, but right now it feels like an icebox."

Mr. Shallow || K. TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now