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"What was the color of your eyes before you were turned?" I asked, Alec.

Currently we were lying down on my bed, talking. Alec laid next to me with his hands wrapped around my waist, I was leaning my head on his shoulder. I was content. The only thing I wanted now was for time to stop. I just wanted to lay in Alec's arms for eternity. How could I have ignored such beauty, all these years, was beyond me.

"Green, I think." Alec said and smiled. All the while stroking my hair. Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine Alec with green eyes. He would have looked amazing. Angelic. Just like he did now.

"It's getting late, or maybe I should say early." I pointed it out. I didn't want to but... well it was necessary.

"But I don't wanna go." If I didn't know better, I would have thought that Alec was pouting. Giggling, I shoved him lightly from my bed.

"Go, we can't ignore our duties. Aro will behead us." Even though it was a joke, there still was some seriousness in the last line. I did not trust Aro, even though I desired to be his favourite, I still did not trust him. Even Jane, who was most faithful to him, in the hairs did not trust him. It was just that he had this weird aura around him that makes people believe him but then after sometime they realise the influence that Aro had on them. It's hard to trust him after that.

"Yes, Ma'am." He said and gave a little salute, before he left. I giggled. This would take some time to get use to. I had always been so serious. I hardly ever laughed. But whatever Alec did got me giggling. Even if it was a small thing.

I had heard many stories about my kind and their mates. So was Alec my mate? Or was it too soon to decide that? Even if he was my mate, why did I get the hollow feeling, like something is missing, when I was with him.

Sure I was attracted to Alec, or what humans said these days, I liked Alec. But I couldn't help feeling like something was missing. I hadn't noticed it when he was here, but as he went away, I suddenly realised it.

I willed these thoughts out of my mind. No, if I continued this, I would be betraying him. I couldn't do this.


What was this feeling?

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