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This one's for you again, Tanishka (@stingfire332)


After a century.♠♥♣♦

Many years have passed since I was turned into a cold-blooded monster. I don't know anyone else, of my kind. The loneliness, gives me sorrow but I prefer to stay away from humans, except in the meal times.

I didn't want to kill them but I didn't exactly have any other option. It was either this or drinking animal blood, which I was not going to drink ever. I prefer animals over humans. It was because of humans that my parents died, if only they hadn't thought I was a witch, then I wouldn't have been turned into this creature.

I also discovered that, I had stopped aging. After that I had tried many ways to die. But dying was almost impossible.

At first I walked into the sun, thinking that it would burn me into ashes, as it happens in the stories. But instead of that my skin started to sparkle like it was made of millions of diamonds.

Then I tried to drown myself, by falling down from a cliff. After falling down, and destroying the only dress I had, I remembered that I don't need to breathe.

And then, I tried piercing my heart with a wooden stake, as I heard people do in stories to kill the monsters. But it instead of killing me, it shattered into tiny pieces. I even tried starving myself but I lost control and it didn't work.

So I've lost hope. Nothing is going to be able to kill me. That is why I stay in forests, steal books and read them all day and night except while eating (well drinking blood in my case, but who is looking at the details).

The way of writing, has changed so many times over the years. The language spoken now is so different than the language that was spoken in my times. Its kind of hard to understand in some ways. Those books are the only thing that help me keep track of time.

Another thing I discovered is that I don't need to sleep. I never feel exhausted too. In a way I miss sleeping, the dreams even the nightmares. Also, hunting is like a piece of cake, hardly takes any time. I just sit on a high branch on a tree and when I see a human, I command them to stop. And they do. My powers do come in handy sometimes.

As cruel as she was, I still miss grandma. Even though I was locked in that room, for so many years, I still had company. I never thought that I would feel lonely.

I've travelled place to place, seen many castles, forts, different culture. As I don't need to breathe, I just swim in the ocean. It sounds unbelievable but it is true. Yes I can't travel in the daylight but its fine in the night time.

But sometimes I get the feeling that this is just a nightmare and I'm not getting up. I wish that were the case but its not the case.

I see humans time to time while walking in the cities, when I go there to 'borrow' books. I've even talked to some people. They treat me like a thirteen year old kid, when in reality, I'm more than hundred and fourteen.

I recently read in a newspaper that some wars between the humans just got over and destroyed a whole country.

World war I

That's what it was called. I was in France, when it took place. Roaming in a forest, oblivious to what was happening.

I just wish that I find a purpose in which I can devote my so-called life.


Okay, this was just a chapter to explain the changes during the time-skip in short because I couldn't have written about hundred years of loneliness. I mean I could have, but it would be kinda. . . boring. Anyways the next chapter is coming up. So wait and watch( well, read in this case). Bye.
- Ita

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