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The dedication for this chapter goes to @unkown-7 for commenting through out this book.

 B L O O D

Everything around me was so clear. Defined. I could even see miles away. A pack of lions running. Birds making nests. Spiders spinning webs.

Even if the pain had gone away, I could still feel a burn in my throat. Maybe, I was thirsty.

Then why does it feel like a thirst that can't be cured by water?

Then, I smelt it, a sweet irresistible scent coming from somewhere. I closed my eyes and let my body lead me to it. The speed was unbelievable. The trees blurred past me. Even though I was fast I could see every detail.

Eventually, I found the source of that sweet scent. It was in a small hut build in between the forest. A man was cutting some piece wood in front of it. Before I knew it I was biting down the neck of that man and drinking his blood. It soothed the burn in my throat and quenched my thirst.

A woman came, through the door, to see what this ruckus was all about. I dropped the man's life less body and walked towards her, while wiping the blood on my face. She looked terrified, shocked, frightened, sad. All at the same time. As if I was some kind of monster.

Reality hit me. Of course, that's what I was.  So I let the predator inside me take control and in no time she was laying in my hands, lifeless and drained out of any blood.

I killed two people and didn't even feel a thing. I thought to myself. Now i know that, this was the only way of survival.

I couldn't just leave them like this. I had to bury them.

After digging a grave for them, I made my way towards their hut, to see if I could find something useful. The inside of the hut wasn't much. Just two rooms and a small corner where there were utensils. Maybe that's where they used to cook. There was some food on a table and when I walked towards it, it surprisingly seemed unappealing.

Then I decided to go into the rooms. One room had three beds and a small cupboard. I opened it and found some of that woman's clothes. I knew mine was torn, so I stripped and wore her dress. It was a normal olive green coloured dress which reached my feet. I also found a sack, in that wooden cupboard, so I put some more clothes and a pair of shoes in it.

Then I looked into a mirror next to me. The person in the mirror couldn't be me. She was beautiful, angelic. It was like looking at a familiar stranger.

My skin was even paler then before. My features sharper and more defined. My dark hair, looked even more darker. But the scariest part were my eyes. They were crimson. Like blood.

I knew somebody was going to comeback eventually, that's why I had to leave this place fast. But I still wanted to check out the other room.

So I did.

The other room was bare with just a bed,a cupboard and a small book collection in it. What really caught my attention were the books.

I have always loved reading. The memories were hazy but I still remembered a little. When I was a kid, my mother used read out aloud from story books. When I was with grandma, I was able to stay sane, even after being locked in a room for so many years, just because of books.

So as I didn't need any food and water, or anything else from here, I decided to take those books. All of them. I expected them to be heavy. But they were as light as feather. I think its because of the thing I've become.

And with that, I walked towards the front door, when I saw a young girl, around my age walking in.

"Who are you and where are my parents?" She asked shakily.

"Be quiet." I replied. But the voice that came out couldn't be mine, could it? It was high-pitched and sounded like ringing bells.

And she stopped. As if someone had stopped the time around her. She wasn't even breathing.

Huh. . . . . .

"Turn around." I commanded.

She did. So my powers had increased along with my speed, beauty and the sound of my voice.

I killed her too.

But now I have a reason for this. What is my reason you ask?

Beauty is a cruel mistress.

I walked away, smirking to myself.

The next chapter is coming up. Please vote and comment.
- Ita

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