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"Well, I'm Annalisa." She said as we sat down. Well she was the only one who sat down but it doesn't matter.


"I know."

"So what's your story?" Annalisa asked curiously.  She didn't look so murderous now, and looked almost like a little kid. Almost.

"Oh well, if you don't want to tell me then it's fine. I don't want to pry. It's just that I was curious, that's all."

I don't know why, but I told her. She reminded me too much of Alice. Same dark black hair but longer. Same height. Maybe I was wrong about her in the first place.

I told her everything, starting from the Spanish influenza and Carlisle turning me into the monster I was now. About Alice, Jasper, Emmet, Rosalie, Esme, Carlisle, how we moved from place to place and blended in with humans, My life in Forks, but most of all I told her about. . . Bella. How we first talked in my car. How we went to the prom together. Everything. She was a good listener.

"That's. . . sad. I'm so sorry. But you know have you like ever considered, that she's alive. From what you said about Alice, her visions are not always accurate and maybe Bella decided that she was going to suicide but she didn't." Her deduction confused me, how could anyone honestly know all this from just a small story?

"But that kid said that her father was at the funeral. That is the only conclusion anyone can come to."

"Did he specifically mention Bella's funeral?"


"Think about it, Edward. Maybe she really is alive." Annalisa said and looked away towards a portrait. It was of a waterfall. Once I would have said the picture was beautiful but now it wasn't. The only thing I could see was Bella jumping of a cliff while looking at that portrait. Just because I didn't stay with her, not even when she begged for me to stay. I thought that it would keep her safe but I never imagined that she would commit suicide. All of it was my fault.

As time ticked on another guard member came into the museum, as smoothly as if he were dancing, to inform Annalisa it was time to bring me back. The guard caught my gaze and thoughts began crowding behind his eyes. The Volturi had made a decision. I tried to read the answer but the guardsmen had no idea what the outcome would be. Aro learned quickly.

She just pulled her hood up and silently started walking towards the castle. Giving his life up just for a human girl. I've never seen anyone like that. Hope Aro let's him go. She thought.

My steps were quick as we moved down the street. The sun was struggling to make it into the sky and the grounds were still dark. Time meant nothing to me anymore. More time elapsed than I previously realized. Some vendors were back for the day, readying themselves for Saint Marcus day. It was ironic that everyone would be celebrating a vampire free city, though they were lurking in every corner. The cloaks of the men around me billowed in the morning air as they made almost soundless footsteps toward the four-story building that held the Volturi. Their long dark shadows from the street lamps rippled over the ground.

Some of the torches had been extinguished due to the morning sun slowly peeking into the windows. The whole building looked different in the daylight. More real. If they had decided to kill me, I could not hear it in their thoughts. They were careful at clouding what they wanted to hide from me. What was their decision? If death awaited me behind the double doors I wanted to be thinking about my Bella. She was all I wanted in my head when things ended. Her imagine. I let myself get sucked away into a memory as we made our way up the stairs.

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