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As they left I quietly made my way to my chamber - or as they called these days, my room. To think that that Aro let Edward and the others go, shocked me. Shocked was an understatement. I wondered what had put him in a good mood. Maybe it was the fact that, he thought, if Bella died then Edward would join us himself. I wasn't so sure of it. Or maybe Aro was just curious of how this would turn up. I was curious too. That human looked, so fragile, so delicate, as if one single touch would break her, maybe Aro thought Edward would kill her himself. Accidentally or purposefully, that is not in my knowledge.

Closing my fist on the gold doorknob studded with a ruby in the middle, I turned it, and the door opened with a click. I went inside and it quietly shut behind me.

I sighed and sat on my bed, taking in my surroundings. It felt home-y. The walls were painted a royal shade of red, with gold lines forming intricate patterns on it. Throughout the room there were various gems like ruby and garnet studded into the walls, looking like blood. On one side of the wall, there was a clad bookshelf filled with books, from the ceiling to the floor. The floor was covered with a lush golden carpet and on one side of the room there was a bathroom and and a walk-in closet that was half of the size of my room. I didn't really need a bathroom- because, well...I just didn't. But sometimes a shower was relaxing, also it washed off the dust that stuck in my hair. All in all, I loved this room.

Getting up, I walked towards my closet. It was filled with racks and racks of clothing, but I chose the nearest thing. It was a very pretty white maxi dress with polka dots. The only problem with it was it was very short. Too short, it barely covered my- forget it. But have to admit this time period's fashion was remarkable. I liked it very much.

Making my way towards my king size bed I laid down and closed my eyes, wondering what it was like to sleep. I didn't remember much of my human life, it was blurry. It felt as if my eyes were clouded over when I tried to recount them, so I just gave up. I missed sleeping a lot. I wished it was that easier now. I really didn't want to be left alone with my thoughts. But I didn't have Amy choice. I wished I could just sleep peacefully, forgetting all my worries, even just for once. But it sounded too good to be true. I wondered what sins I had committed in my past life to deserve this punishment.

My eyes flew open as I heard the click of a door knob. I sat up, ready to use my gift on them, if they tried to attack me. But it was Alec standing outside. He opened the door wide and with a slight smirk on his face knocked twice. After opening the door.

"I could have been changing, for all you know." I shot dryly.

"That I would have loved to see." He said and winked. I almost choked. How dare he? If I were a human, I would have been blushing like crazy.

"Don't get worked up, I just came to talk." Alec added, after seeing my horrified expression, I instantly relaxed. It wasn't due to what he said, it was because of his expression, I knew he won't do anything like that.

Patting the spot next to me, on my bed, I moved a little to the side. I was really curious of what he wanted to talk about. Was it because of today morning? "No, it's not." Alec said, as if reading my thoughts." Thank goodness. It was the only word that came to my mind.

He came and sat down, at the same time I pulled a blanket covering my legs. Staring at him, I felt a tinge in my stomach. I didn't know why. An unexplainable emotion coursed through me making me breathless. It took all of my self control for not jumping onto him and brushing my lips against his...

These traitorous thoughts were going to be the death of me. I wondered why I didn't have these kind of thoughts before. Was something different at that point of time? Or is it just my mind, trying to make my existence miserable?

"What were you up to?" I asked, him. Wondering about the reason he came to me, of all people.

"I just... I was lonely, that's all. I mean, at night there is nothing for me to do." He sighed, and there was a slight, almost unnoticeable pout on his face.

"I can relate." I replied while placing my hand on his.

"That's why I came here, Ana." He said while intertwining our fingers and looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Hmm." I didn't really know what to say to that.

We sat there silently for some time-

"Ana?" Alec asked.

"Yeah." I replied, while turning to face him, just to see he looked nervous. I had known Alec long enough to guess his expression. But I couldn't comprehend what was the reason for it.

As I stared into his crimson eyes, I wondered what colour were they before he was tuned. I could see my reflection vaguely. I wanted to look away, I really did, but at the same time I didn't want to. This feeling was weird. It felt as if my heart was beating at million miles per hour, but in truth my heart wasn't beating at all. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks, when in reality it wasn't true.

Gazing into my eyes, Alec cupped my cheek lightly and leaned forward. I was stunned, he looked like a statue of Adonis come to life. "I really wanted to continue what was going to...happen today." He whispered, almost inaudible. Almost.

His beauty stunned me, I couldn't get accustomed to it. Taking my face in his hands again, he brushed his marble lips against mine, for a brief period of time.

"Sorry." He glanced at me with apologetic eyes. I couldn't do this. No it was wrong. I did not want to get attached to anyone. But it was too late. I was in too deep, now. I couldn't back out.

That is why.

I pressed my lips against his, one more time. This time it was hurried, passionate. Our lips moved in rhythm. I knotted my hands in his brown hair and his hands circled my tiny waist. I wanted to melt into his embrace.

He pushed me down on the bed and was on top of me. We didn't stop kissing, through all this. I didn't know how long this went on, but it felt like mere seconds, at the same time like an eternity.

"I-I think that's enough for one day." I said, as Alec pulled away, sounding a little breathless.

"Agreed." He said with a small smile and wrapped his arms around me. Leaning into him, I closed my eyes, and sighed deeply. Even though I couldn't sleep, it was the closest I could get.

This scene was the hardest to write. Don't forget to vote and comment. I'm going for my vacations tomorrow, so I won't have my WiFi so hope you guys enjoy this.


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