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Just one name, six letters. I didn't know it would effect me so much. I had thousands of questions in my head. I knew I shouldn't be overreacting but this was all so new to me.

I may have had a troubled expression on my face, because Alec's smile melted away into a frown. I couldn't help but think that he looked attractive like that.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concern evident in his voice. I sighed. This was tough, I never had thoughts like these before. This was just so different, like sun rising up from the west or the waves of a sea stagnant. It felt like calm before storm, I knew I was up for something that was going to take a huge toll on me.

But then I wondered, if I was going to drown, then why not drown with my own conditions. I leaned forward, towards him, slowly. My mind went blank, all i could see was his face. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew whatever i was doing was wrong, but i took no notice of it.

Our faces were inches close, noses almost touching. At first Alec was confused, then I saw a flash of some emotion in his eyes, I didn't know what it was. I could almost feel his breath on me— a prelude to a kiss. But I couldn't do this. What if he didn't want me to? What if he didn't like me the way I did? Did I even like him, anyways?

At the last moment, I just put my head on his chest and put my arms around his shoulder. If I couldn't kiss him this was the only thing I could do. At first he stiffened but then he wrapped his hands around my waist.

I felt content in his arms. Sure I was a little disappointed that I couldn't kiss him, but then again it really wasn't my fault. We broke away when I heard someone clearing their throat.

"Did I interrupt a little something?" I looked up to see a familiar brawny brown haired figure. He had his arms folded on his chest and was leaning against the door with a sly smirk on his face.

Yes, you did. That was what my mind was screaming to tell him. I felt anger, in a way I never had before. Sure Santiago was my friend, if I could even call him that, but that didn't mean he could interrupt my time with Alec. I knew my anger on this matter was irrational but then again I didn't really care

"No, Santiago. Not at all, we were just going away." I lie through my gritted teath, with a fake smile on my face. I knew I was getting worked up for no apparent reason and I was going to be ashamed of this probably later but-

"Well master is asking for you Alec." He said to Alec and then turning towards me he added, "Uh... you too." And he left.

I looked from the corner of my eyes towards Alec who was staring at me with a grin. He looked so adorable, I have to admit that.

"What?" I asked.

"I knew this was going somewhere else... why don't we continue it later?" He asked in a teasing manner and started walking towards the throne room.

And just like that whatever sane part of my mind had taken control over my dazed state, disappeared.
I know this is short... Sorry. There will be more chill out.

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