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I dedicate this chapter to fairy tail for being my favourite anime ;) lol


Walking in the beautiful city of Rome is so relaxing. The city truly was beautiful. The streets were mostly empty, because it was like midnight now. The moon light was making me look like a ghost.

Well its better than sunlight, at least, which made me look like a light bulb. Anyways, I had just come to this city because I wanted to 'borrow' some books again. I used the word borrow because, its not like I'm going to keep it. I mean I will return it eventually.

While thinking this, I increased my speed, so nobody would see me and ran into the library, which was my destination. This library was huge. Like a castle and had so many books.

I wish I could have lived here. Was the only thought that came into my mind. There is a reason why I find books fascinating. When I read them, I get immersed in the story and am able to escape the reality and forget my nightmarish life for some time.

After roaming and searching for hours straight, I grabbed as many books, I could and ran towards the main forest, next to the city. The sun was going to rise soon. Maybe I spent too much time in the library.

Now that I was in the forest, I walked at human speed towards the tree where I had kept my bag. As I didn't have a permanent house, I kept most of my things (like my clothes and some books) in it.

But as soon as I reached there, something black swept over me and cut all of my senses. I could neither see, hear nor smell.

So I tried to push it away, whatever it was, from my mind, towards its source and it obliged. After opening my eyes, I saw a boy standing there. He was poised as he was going to attack.

"Stay right there." I ordered, putting as much force on my words as I can.

He stopped and stood there like a statue. Now that he was under my control, I could afford to look at him. He looked angelic. Dark hair, skin as pale as mine and the most striking similarity were the eyes. They were also red, just like mine.

I knew it!!!!!

So this means he was just like me. While I was thinking this, he looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"Oh I apologize." I said taking back the spell or curse or whatever it was.

"Who are you?" He asked me angrily.

"Wait, excuse me? You are standing next to my bag. When I came here you attacked me and now you're asking who am I ?" Now I was agitated too.

He looked like he was going to say more but then,

"Sorry." His face was expressionless. And he turned back towards the trees as if to go away.

"Wait. . . I'm Annalisa."

He turned back and said "Alec"

"Huh?" I could tell that he was trying very hard not to smile.

"My name is Alec. I'm a part of the Volturi." He said with a small smile.

Volturi. Though it was hazy, but I still remembered that night.

"I'm Aro of the Volturi. Welcome to a new world.......... Annalisa."

"Do you, by any chance, happen to know Aro?"

He now looked suspicious.

"Yes, I do. Why'd you ask?"

"Oh nothing important."

He just gave me a quick nod and was going to go away but then,

"Tell me one thing, how did you not get affected by my power?"

"I did but, I can control things, people and..........whatever our kind are called."

Alec looked shocked at first but then quickly recovered."You can come with me if you want to. You are powerful, so I think you'll do well in the guard."

The guard. I don't know why but the word seemed very familiar. But I was overjoyed. At last I found people like me.


"Hmmm?" I looked up towards him, while running.

"Our kind are called . . . vampires." He said with a smirk and looked away.

Yay!!!! She finally met Alec. He's soooooooo dreamy. Anyway, you can imagine the characters as you wish. I don't like the actors in the movie at all, that's why I'm telling you.

Well I wasted enough of your time so, wait for the next update and vote and comment too.
- Ita

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