Changing (old version)

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I dedicate this chapter to @arohi_2020, for threatening to kill me if I didn't update any chapters. And for helping me through my crazzzy boy problems. Thanks Nikki ;)


Everything was so dark here. I couldn't even see the moon. What were those sniffing sounds? Will I be able to make it? What if I get eaten by some animal?

These questions were filling my mind. But there was no answer to them.

I don't know how long it has been since I decided to walk in here. Days, maybe weeks. I was hungry, thirsty and desperately needed to sleep. But when I decided to sleep before I heard a twig snap and saw something in the shadow. I haven't slept a wink since then. My legs ached. Each step taken forward was an agony.

I can't last much longer. I said to myself. How did I manage before? My sight was already fading away. I tried to take one more step forward and fell down.

My arm hit something and a huge gash appeared on it with blood oozing out. Then I heard a voice so melodious, it seemed inhuman.

"Ah! I haven't smelt blood this sweet since ages." He said.

A figure emerged from the shadows covered by darkness, which I later realised was a cloak. He was pale, paler than the moon itself. And has long black hair, so long that it almost seemed as the train of his cloak.

Maybe he was an angel, sent from the heavens to finally free me from this pain and suffering. But he couldn't be an angel could he, in the back of my mind I heard a voice that told me I should run far away. There was something different about him. Like he wasn't human. But I neither had the strength nor the will to move. At this point I just didn't care anymore. I only wanted this suffering to end. But-

I still managed a feeble "stop."

Which he unsurprisingly did. I've always had this effect on people, they seemed to obey whatever I said but eventually snapped out of it. Needless to say, it was one of the reasons why, nine years ago, everyone thought I was a witch. I don't blame them. If I was in their place, I would do the same.

Just like other people, the mysterious stranger snapped out of it and let out an awed cry while looking at me in shock.

"Oh my! So you truly have a gift. Those villagers were right. And it is a powerful one too."

He then came towards me, in a speed that wasn't even possible, and took my hand. I couldn't move anymore so I just gave in. It took all of the strength I had just to keep my eyes open. His hand was so cold. Just like stone.

"You have so much of potential." I heard his voice." You'll do well in the guard"

The guard?

I could not see anymore, my sight had faded, and I knew it wasn't long before all of my other senses do. But then I felt something prick my neck and experienced immense pain. It hurt. If I could have moved then I would be shouting my lungs of. But just as it came, the pain suddenly disappeared and was replaced by numbness.

Just before slipping into unconsciousness, I heard his voice again.

"I'm Aro of the Volturi. Welcome to a new world... Annalisa."

Then everything went black.


The pain was bewildering.

Exactly that-

I was bewildered. I couldn't understand, couldn't make sense of what was happening. My body tried to reject the pain, and I was sucked again and again into a blackness that cut out whole seconds or maybe even minutes of the agony, making it that much harder to keep up with reality.

I tried to separate them.

Non-reality was black, and it didn't hurt so much.

Reality was red, and it felt like I was being sawed in half, being pierced by arrows, trampled by bulls, and submerged in acid, all at the same time.

Non-reality was feeling my body twist and flip when reality was that I couldn't possibly move because of the pain.

It had all started with a warm spark in my heart. It felt good. But then it grew little warmer. It was getting uncomfortable. Too warm. Hot. Hotter. Too much for me to take. It hurt. It was unbearable. Maybe I was being burned. Why? I don't remember. It hurt too much.

It was as if a fire started in my heart and was flowing through my veins to burn the rest of my body.

The fire blazed hotter and I wanted to scream. To beg for someone to kill me now, before I lived one more second in this pain. But I couldn't move my lips. The darkness was pressing on me.

I realized it wasn't the darkness holding me down; it was my body. So heavy. Burying me in the flames that were chewing their way out from my heart now, spreading with impossible pain through my shoulders and stomach, scalding their way up my throat, licking at my face.

Why couldn't I move? Why couldn't I scream?

All I wanted was to die. To never have been born. The whole of my existence did not outweigh this pain. It wasn't worth living through it for one more heartbeat.

Let me die, let me die.

And, for a never-ending space, that was all there was. Just the fiery torture, and my soundless shrieks, pleading for death to come. Nothing else, not even time. So that made it infinite, with no beginning and no end.

One infinite moment of pain.

I don't know how much time had passed but suddenly the pain started leaving my legs. Then my arms and rest of my body. But the pain in my heart doubled. It got hotter and hotter. I could practically hear my heart beats.




Then it just stopped. Was I dead? Death can't be this painful, can it?

It was as if my senses had been doubled. I could hear the birds singing. Predators chasing their prays. I could even hear people talking to each other, even though the village was miles away.

All those scents around me were overwhelming.

What has happened to me?

I had so many questions to which there were no answers.

So I opened my eyes.

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