The Transferred Students

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As I entered the classroom, my best friend, Min Ji, waved at me and screamed
- YO LADY!!! how are you today Y/N?
- I was good until you shut in my ears...
You both started to laugh loudly, but we didn't care and continued laughing. Aah... Your best friend, how important she is for you... You like her a lot and she is someone very precious to you, she's like the sister you've always wanted to have!
The teacher suddenly came in and the noise stopped right away. It was kinda funny you wanted to laugh but you resisted because you didn't wanted to get an hour of detention.
- Students, I have to make an announcement. Starting today, 13 boys are going to join our school. 4 of them will be in our class, 3 of them in class C5, 3 in class D3 and the rest in class A1.

Of course, after this announcement all the girls in the class, except you and 2 other girls, started screaming and started being crazy. Come on girls it's just boys, why are y'all so hyped about that... You never understood why girls were going crazy over handsome boys... NEVER... Your best friend likes kpop. She's like a huge fan of kpop. It's kinda funny when she always talk about things you don't understand, but you never credit about that because you like her for who she is and not what she likes.
You were thinking about this voice again and again, half daydreaming when your best friend started moving her hands in front of you...
- Y/N why are you thinking about? Since the beginning of this morning you are always daydreaming...
- 미안 (sorry in Korean), I was just've never lied to your best friend before, but this time you did, because  you wanted to understand this dream before talking to her about it.
- Well, the class is about to start so focus because I'm not gonna give you my papers this time.
- Well, thanks, it's always good to have friends by your side... You said in a tone of sarcasm.
- Chill out, I was just kidding, what's gotten into you today? If you're gonna be like that then I'm not gonna talk to you.
- 미안( sorry in Korean)... After saying that you started to focus on what the teacher was talking about.

Min Ji POV

It's been five minutes now that I'm trying to get Y/N attention, she is totally daydreaming, it's annoying me, but well she doesn't seem that good so I don't want to start a fight with her.

- Y/N why are you thinking about? Since the beginning of this morning you are always daydreaming...
- 미안해 (sorry in Korean), I was just thinking...
I knew she's not telling me the truth, it was very annoying, she's my friend but she didn't want to talk to me...
- Well, the class is about to start so focus because I'm not gonna give you my papers this time.
- Well, thanks, it's always good to have friends by your side...
Oh! Now miss is being sarcastic, well I was just joking... I want to understand what's going on.
- Chill out, I was just kidding, what's gotten into you today? If you're gonna be like that then I'm not gonna talk to you.
- 미안( sorry in Korean)...
She paid attention to what the teacher was saying and started to take notes... And now I was the one thinking and not focusing on what was going on.

At the end of the day

The teacher tell us one more thing.
- Students, the transferred students arrive tomorrow. I hope you will welcome them warmly. Also one more thing they are a group so please don't be too hyped about them if you know their groups.
All the girls knew about the band except Y/N, how was still daydreaming.
- Oh My God!!! The band coming is Seventeen!!! I started singing and dancing to Adore U of Seventeen. It was my favorite band so I was kinda exited, I was secretly hoping that The8 (MingHao) would be in our class.
- Stop being so hyped about that please it's annoying. I have other things to deal with, Y/N said, I'm sorry...
After that she ran in her dorm... It broke​ my heart to see her like that... What was she hiding from me???...
I was tired and decided to go back to my dorm and toke a shower.

Your POV

Min Ji started to talk about her favorite band again, when she knew they were coming to your school... You were so upset. You asked her to stop and then you left because you couldn't bare it anymore, but at the same time it was breaking your heart to hurt her like that.
When you were in your room, you took a shower and then you ate some ramyeon because you were hungry. Unconsciously you started to make research about Seventeen the group you were supposed to welcomed in your school. But you gave up after 5 minutes. You did your homework and then you went to sleep because you were really tired.

Second part done soon the next part. Well it's not very long I wanna write more but I'm in the train so it's hard to focus on the story. guys enjoy it and let's see what you thing of it!!

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