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"She passed away...?" I whispered.

She slowly nodded.

"N-no...no she couldn't have."

"She had cancer," my best friends mother clarified. "I...thought she would have told you. She was diagnosed with it only a few years ago. We all thought it would go away since she seemed okay these past few years. But it only got worst, apparently. And recently, it got the best of her..."

My lips trembled as tears swam down my cheeks. "I...I just...oh god..."

She placed a hand on top of mine. "She's in a better place now, Storm." As she smiled, bittersweetly, wrinkles appeared around her dark eyes.

"Why are you moving?" I choked out.

"This home...it just...it haunts me. We just can't stay here."

"Where are you going?"

"Back to my home country," she replied, "in South Africa. Raina's funeral will be held there as well."

I stared at her in shock.

"I'm sorry you're just now finding this out. I really a-"

"I have to leave." I stood up. "I'm sorry."


Elliot had gotten back to the hotel just in time. By the time he had came back, it was snowing full on outside.

He entered our spacious room holding several shopping bags and covered in snow. "Ello, luv!" He smiled cutely.

I sat up from my position on the bed. I had been thinking about the past, again. Not only had Elly came in the nick of time because of the storm, but also to stop me from wallowing in my sadness.

"You okay? You look unwell..." my boyfriend said.

"I'm okay. Just tired." I stood up and stretched. "Lemme help you, darling." I get up from the bed and head over to the kitchen area.

"Tired? Haven't you just woke up from sleeping all day?" As he takes his coat off, I carry the bags and set them onto the breakfast bar.

"Somewhat, yeah. You've gotten any food?" I said, changing the topic.

He chuckled. "Yes, of course. Give me one mome-"

Before he could finish, I began to rummage through the bags until I found a large bag of cheddar cheese and bacon flavoured Walkers.

"Mm I love these. Cheers, babe!" I kissed Elliot on the cheek and spun on my heels. Before I could get very far, the bag of crisps was snatched from my hands. "Ay, what was that for?" I demanded.

"You'll spoil supper," said Elliot. He set the crisps on the dining table and continued to unload the groceries.

I opened a paper back to see not one but two boxes of...

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