Psalm 63:3

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"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." -Psalm 63:3

God, His love, Heaven... it is all better.

There are a lot of times when I have been just daydreaming about my future - having a good husband, children, a home, a job... And sometimes as I am daydreaming, I often think about the matter of Jesus coming back soon and how I want to live a life and have a family before Jesus comes back.

But then I realize, by saying that, I am basically saying that I would rather have children and a husband - things of the world - than Jesus, which is so wrong!!

I don't normally do this, but I posted a song below tiled "I'd Rather Have Jesus," done by one of my favorite gospel singing groups that comes and does services at my church often (NHim). Listen to the words.

"I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today."

If we can't truly say that today, then we need to be on our knees getting our priorities straight. We all fail with this. I know I personally do a ton, but just one step in the right direction can have a ripple effect of commitment and joy in the Lord in the other aspects of your life.

God bless you greatly, my brothers and sisters! Stay strong in the Lord! Lean on Him! ❤

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