James 1:2-4

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"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." -James 1:2-4

Whenever we are faced with a storm, we tend to freak out and make it seem like we are at the bottom of the ocean with a boulder chained to our leg and there is absolutely no way out... But that's where we're wrong. There is always a way out! God would never give you a trial that you can't handle, so don't immediately begin worrying and getting all worked up when a little test gets thrown at you because that's all it is...A TEST! A test of faith. Instead of worrying, we should immediately begin praying and putting our trust in God that he will see us through this storm. Don't stress, just count it ALL joy because in the end, if you keep pushing and make it to the end of the storm, you'll be stronger than you thought was possible and you'll see that amazing rainbow God has planned for your life.


Sorry that was super long!
Anyway, guys, I need some prayers said for my youth pastor. He is going through some difficult times right now and he just needs a little comfort.
Thank you! God Bless!

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