1 Thessalonians 5:19

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"Do not quench the Spirit." -1 Thessalonians 5:19

I read this verse, and it was like an automatic smack to the face.

Guys!! Think about it! So often God gives us an opportunity to feel the glorious presence of the Holy Spirit, and we throw it out the window!!!! Trust me, I'm preaching to myself not just you guys, but seriously! Why do we do this? Are we scared that someone might see us in such a state of worship and praise? Are we afraid if we let the Spirit in that God will ask us to do more for Him that may be out of our comfort zone?Why?

The Holy Spirit is a gift from God. A blessing straight from the hands and heart of GOD. When we allow the Spirit inside of us and in our presence, we are closest to God. So why do we shove it away?

If you can't tell, this is really convicting me right now, and I honestly pray that it does you too. So many times I find myself saying "Not now, God." And just pushing the Spirit away.

Imagine if you really wanted or needed to tell a person something important, but every time you tried to say it to them, they rejected you. Told you not now, go away. That would suck, wouldn't it?!! Well, don't you think that might be the way the Spirit and God feel when you reject them? I feel very ashamed just thinking about the multitude of times I have been guilty of this.

Don't quench the Spirit. Let it flow in you and radiate through you!

Sorry, I know I usually try to keep these short and easy, but God was really calling me to this.

May God bless you even more than He already has!! 😄💙🔆

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