1 John 2:17

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"The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." -1 John 2:17

Okay guys, so I'm single, and I am taking advantage of this time alone to get closer to God and discover what He truly wants from me and what I truly want in a relationship and how to achieve that when I am given the chance again.

In this, I stumbled across this verse in 1 John and I was just like... Wow. Dudes, your passion and love for one another will never fade as long as it is of GOD and not of the world because things of the world don't. last. You must have the solid foundation of God's word because all other foundation is like sinking sand— your love will never stand strong.

But in a non relationship related way... Guys, don't bind your heart to things of this world. They're temporary. Place your passion, pride, and hope in things that will ALWAYS matter, even into eternity.


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