Exodus 14:14

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"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." -Exodus 14:14

I read this verse, and a rushing wave of peace and resilience fell over me. In that very moment, all of my worries seemed to have dissolved and replaced by comfort, and most of all... Love.

Guys, GOD LOVES YOU. And if in a rough point moment of life you can't see that, find this verse somewhere in your heart. KNOW that God loves you! He cares for you and He is fighting your battle with you. No matter what your struggle may be and no matter how impossible it seems, God is willing to fight for you!

But here's the catch: Only if you let Him.

The scripture says He WILL fight with you. He WILL if you allow Him to. Trust Him.

It's all about consistency, trust, and love

(Heh, we need to make shirts.

Consistency. Trust. Love.
Changing the world step at a time.


But seriously. Fight the GOOD fight, and God will fight with you because He loves you and wants only the absolute best. But to get the best you've got to GIVE the best.


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