Chapter 16

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Picture of Carter above

Still Thursday

Fallouts and Friends

We didn't stay too long in the cafe for breakfast, we left only about an our later which Corey was distraught by as he lost 'the love of his life.' Geez, he's only know the girl an hour and he's already fallen in love.

If you've ever been to Fiji, you'll understand where I'm coming from but how FIT are Fijian boys? Light hair, tanned, muscly, so beautiful. If I wasn't dating Chris, I'd been straight in there!

"Guys, feel free to do your own thing now because me and your dad have booked a spa day from 1-5pm so, yeah, do what you like basically" mum said, walking away with dad

"So what, this is it? Oh come on Julie don't leave me like this!" Corey shouted

"I'm sorry Corey, I just, I just, I just have to go!" mum shouted, playing along

"Don't be like this Julie, your better than this" Corey cried

"What more do you want from me Corey?" Mum pleaded

"Some money would be good" Corey said, out of character

Mum gave Corey a stern look, as if to say 'hahaha, no', "not much Julie but just to keep me off the street"

"Alright, here's $60, try not to spend it all. I'm not going to be supplying you with money the whole holiday" mum frowned

"Thanks jules" he shouted

We discussed plans among us and decided it would be best to go back to the hotel, get changed and then go to the beach since it was so warm outside! Corey, being Corey, has some weird obsession with showering so before we went to the beach, he had to shower. Don't ask me why but he just does, such a weirdo.

I changed into a dark blue strapless bikini and black tight short board shorts with a white loose crop top. I packed, into my bag, sunscreen, a hat, three bottles of water and my phone. I had a hunch that we would end up at the surf shop when we got to the beach which I'd totally be fine with. The last time I went for a surf was like 5 days ago and this is not okay. I was just hoping that corey and Titan were thinking the same thing but considering how thick Corey is, it won't happen.

We walked down at quite a slow pace so that Corey could check out more girls. You know, this is the first time I've realised this but my brother is such a player!

"Maddy Maddy Maddy Maddy Maddy Maddy Maddy" Corey screamed running towards us. He had walked on a head a little bit because apparently, he saw a really fit girl and wanted to see where she went and what she sounded like.

"What" I shouted

"SURF SHOP" he screamed, jumping up and down like an excited little girl

"No way, oh my god, can we hire a board?" I pleaded

"Are you kidding, of course we have to hire a board" Corey shouted

"Let's go" Titan screamed

The waves were perfect! It was almost as if Mother Nature was calling me, like she done all this just for me to come and surf. But what are the odds of that. The boards weren't much to rent, only $8 dollars each for an hour and a half, which was cool.

"Got the wax?" Titan asked

"Sure" I said handing it to him

"Guess what?" Said Titan, waxing his board

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