Chapter 3

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Picture of Rosii above

BBQ's and balls

I walked over to the part of the beach where Chris and Romeo were sitting. As I walked halfway over, Romeo got up and walked past me shaking his head.

"I can't believe you just walked away from him after he poured his heart out to you! Shame on you, Madeleine! Shame on you" he shook his head and walked away

I sighed an walked over to Chris

"Hi" I said, sitting down on the log next to him "I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I was just really nervous because I really like you"

"You do?" He smiled, "I thought that that was your way of telling me that you don't like me"

"I like you" I said

"I like you too" he replied

"So can I be your girlfriend?"

"Let me think about it" he scratched his chin, "no, you can't"

"Oh" I muttered, embarrassed. Of course he was going to say that, Maddy! You walked away when he was pouring out his heart to you! Stupid idiot

"I'm only joking, Maddy!" He laughed "come on, let's go get our boards, all the others and beating us to all the good waves!"

We walked over to the water and surfed the night away.


As we came out of the water Titan and I were in charge of the barby whilst the others set up the football nets.

Titan and I talked for a bit whilst cooking the food. I could see that something was bothering him, it wasn't hard to notice. He's always so dry when something's up and I think I know what it was.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Sure" he replied dryly

I'm not stupid. I could see that he wasn't okay.

"You know you're a terrible actor" I laughed

"Maddy, I'm fine. Just leave it, okay?" He sighed

Titan's  parents work pretty much 6 days a week every week just to try and make an income for he and his four little sisters, Indigo 16, Cleo 15, Tassmyn 13 and Elouise 6. Even Titan works part time teaching people how to surf at the little surf shack at the local beach and Indigo and Cleo work at a small café in the town centre.

I've known Titan ever since I was born. His mum, Lynn and my mum, Julie are pretty much best friends. They were in school together and have stayed best friends ever since then, I guess. So naturally, Titan and I have been around each other our whole lives. Our mums always used to say that we would make the perfect couple but we never really got round to it. Too busy being teenagers I suppose. Then I met Gerri when she moved to our school 5 years ago, just before we were going into high school. We found out that we actually had a lot in common with each other We naturally became best friends and I set her up with Titan a year later. How time flies!

Titans the typical stereotype surfer; naturally tanned, blonde hair, very buff, very tall, not very academically smart but he's got a heart of gold which is what matters the most.

After we ate the food, curtesy of Titan and I, we went over and played a game of footy. Boys against girls. A little unfair. On the boys I mean.

We set up our formation and the boys done the same. Romeo went the referee since the boys had an extra player (also because he really can't play sports, seriously, he's sooo bad at them all, except surfing)

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