Chapter 11

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Old Friends and Old Love

"And that's how I met your mother" dad said as he finished his story off.

"Wait, so what happened to Bec?" I asked

"I broke it off with her when she came back from vacation. It kind of messed our friendship aswell. I never really loved her. I guess that we were just together because everybody else had paired off. And then I got together with your mother. Four years later, you and Corey came along." He said

"So wait, grandma was right, you are a dentist, Aunt bea is a nurse and aunt Jenn is a teacher, your parents got what they wanted" Corey stated

Dad nodded.

"So, where are the rest of your friends now?" I asked curiously

"Well, Danny is still in New Zealand as far as I know! I don't keep up with him but Taj does, Taj and Robbie are still around here, I still keep up with them actually, Layne followed her dream of being a pro surfer and is somewhere in Brazil now according to Robbie, Teagan is married to Taj, that was the only relationship that actually worked out with us, Bec is, well, I don't know where Bec is. Everyone else still keeps up with her but I don't and well, you know about your aunt Bea and Jenn so, yeah, that's everyone." Dad sighed. He seemed genuinely sad about this. I guess it was good that he still keeps up with some of his old mates.

"How come we've never met any of these 'mates' that you still keep up with" Corey asked poking his head through the space between the backseat and frontseat.

"Well, you actually have met Robbie, Robert Pierce? He and his wife Lauren were round at Halloween with their two kids" Dad stated

"Oh yeah, that's the guy who dressed up as a nun!"

"Yeah, that's him"


Instead of taking me home, dad dropped me and Corey at aunt Beas. I had to pick up my jacket and get cake for Romeo. I'm such a good friend. Dad just went home and Aunt bea asked Corey and I to stay for dinner.

"Did you guys have fun last night?" Aunt bea smiled as she held up the empty bottle of Jaegermeister. "Don't worry, your secrets safe with me" we laughed

Corey went in to Jaces room to 'play' with him. I think he meant the play station. Did he?

It was just aunt bea, Jordyn and I at the table now.

"So, aunt bea, you still keep in touch with Danny" I asked

The name Danny seemed to have caught her attention. "Um, no, no, not really, I uh, haven't seen him since 1990" aunt bea said quietly.

"Mum, who's Danny?" Jordyn asked with a smile on her face.

"Uh, he, uh, he was my first boyfriend, back when we were 17" aunt bea sighed

"What happened to him" Jordyn asked,

"He moved to New Zeland in 1990 and I haven't heard from him in a long while" she replied.

"Did you not keep on contact or did you break up or...what happened." I asked,

"Well, we were willing to go for this 'long distance relationship' thing but it didn't work out because I met your dad whilst he was there and I phoned him one night and we agreed that it was for the best."

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