Chapter 15

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First day of family holiday

Still Wednesday

We quickly ran up to our apartment and changed into our swimming clothes. I swapped my skirt and crop top for a white sparkly bikini. The pool was a couple of minutes away from our apartment, not long. It was by far the most beautiful pool I had seen. It was very large and had three mini ones dotted around it too. It sparkled like a star in the sky and it was as clear as a window.

"Race you" Titan shouted as we entered the pool

"Hey, that isn't fair, you got a head start" I screamed, trying to catch up with him

"Well Madeleine, life's all about head starts, if you don't take them then you don't get anywhere" titan said as he stopped at the other side

"You know, that's like the smartest thing you've every said" I laughed, getting out of the pool, "want an ice cream?"

"Ooh yeah" Titan said

"Do you want to go to the jacuzzi after ice cream?" I asked

"Sure" he replied with a smile, "only if you come back in the pool with me"

"Deal" I smiled

Corey was already up at a table with some girls chatting them up. Titan told me what flavour he wanted and then went over to sit with him. I ordered the ice cream and went over to sit too.

"You didn't get me an ice cream" Corey wined

"You didn't ask for one" I said

"You didn't ask me if I wanted one" he fought back,

"I didn't ask you if you wanted one because you never asked me if you could get one"

"I never asked you for if I could get one because you never asked me if I wanted one "

"Oh shut up" I laughed

Corey giggled, "anyway, this is my sister Maddy and this is Lucy, Sophie and Georgia. They're from Sydney"

"Hi" I said to them

"hey" they replied

I couldn't help but notice Titan flirting with one of the girls, Lucy I think it was. Corey was chatting up Georgia which left Sophie and I talking. She, like me, already had a boyfriend. She was in the middle of talking to me when I saw Titan leave with Lucy. I felt a piece of my heart break a little inside but I've got no idea what for.

"Where's he going?" I asked Corey

"on a speed boat with Lucy" Corey replied, eyes on Georgia

"Oh" I replied

After half an hour or so, I headed back up to my room and read a book. Why did I feel like this, why did I feel jelous? I have a boyfriend, Chris, the guy of my dreams, the guy I've had a crush on for years, the guy I've always wanted but now that I've got him I'm throwing it away.

"Yeah man, it was awesome, she's so nice! Thanks for introducing me to her" I heard Titan say to Corey

"No problem, did you get her number" Corey asked

"Yup and e-mail address" Titan replied, "so where did you get with Georgia?"

"Ehh, not my type. I'll keep looking though"

"Have fun on the speed boat?" I asked

"Yeah, it was good" he replied getting a drink from the fridge

"So that was the only plans you had for today was it?"

"Huh" he replied

"Jacuzzi? Pool?" I stated

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