Chapter 10

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As I said in the previous chapter, this one if Michaels (Maddy and Corey's dad) flashback!


Flashback Way Back

Michaels P.O.V

"Michael, what time do you call this" my mum screamed at me as I walked through my front door.

"About half past 9" I said smugly

"Don't get smart with me Michael, you know what I mean. Now explain to me why you're this late?" Mum asked again. Ugh, she is just so annoying at times. I'm 17 for god sake, I need my freedom.

"I got held up at the beach mum. You're only seventeen for a year, why not make the most of it while you still can" I said with emotion

"Where's Beatrix?" She asked again. What is it 20 questions tonight?

"Uh, she's outside I think" I said and with not a moment to spare, mum rushed to the door.

"Inside, NOW!" I heard mum shout.

Wonder what Bea done. Well, mums always mad so she probably didn't even do that much.

"Mum, lay off, he's leaving in a day. Why couldn't you just let me say goodbye to him eh, is that so hard for you to find a heart and just let me say goodbye to my boyfriend mum?" Bea said between sobs.

Beas boyfriend, Danny, for two and a half years is leaving for New Zealand tomorrow.His dad got an extremely good job for an apparently great wage so, he's going. Acceptably, she's upset and mum is just, being mum.

"You're grounded, for a week" mum said

"Oh, top mum you are. Making me miss my boyfriends leaving party, well, Thank you mum, you, yet again have won mother of the year" bea shouted sarcastically.

Mum sighed as she sat down at the kitchen table.

"What's up mum?" I asked as I sat beside her.

"I just, all I want for my kids are for them to do well at school and then go on to get a fantastic job, is that so bad of me that I ask for that, is it, is it Michael?" Mum said rather depressingly.

"Course not mum, but were only 17 and in Jenn's case 12, we don't really want to be thinking about future life. Yeah, schools important, yeah, it is good to know what you want to be when your older but mum, it's summer, summer is the only time we get to be free and not think of school. We get to have fun, we get to surf the night away, we get to have fun with our friends and one of my closest friends is leaving for New Zealand tomorrow. All bea wanted to do was spend the last day she might ever have with him. Is that so bad?" I said softly.

Mum sighed, "I guess not, I'll go talk to her, tell her she can go" mum said


"Hey, we were beginning to think that the Malones weren't going to come" Bec said as she walked towards me. She was my girlfriend. We had been dating for about a year or something. I don't know, I don't really keep track

Danny's leaving party was on the beach. He practically spent most of his life there so it was only normal.

"never miss it for the world" I said as I kissed her on the lips.

This was going to be a great night. I could feel it.

And it was a great night. We surfed, we swam and we sang songs around the campfire. It was a great send-off for Danny and I sure will miss him but everything happens for a reason.


The day of the party was over, Danny had left, Bec was on holiday, bea was still in her room, Jenn was talking to dad, mum was watching tv and me? I was board like hell.

I decided that I wanted to catch some waves so I headed down to the local beach, myself, with my board to do what I loved to do, surf.

As much as I loved to surf, I knew that I want going to be that when I grew up. I was just going to be another dentist, next in line in the family tradition. Mum and dad had strict rules. They wanted me to be a dentist, Jenn to be a teacher and Bea to be a doctor. They had really high expectations of their kids.

One minute I'm thinking all of this stuff in my head, next minute I'm paddling for a wave, a good one too, when some stupid girl comes along and steals it. My wave.

"'Hey, that was my wave, what are you doing" I shouted over to the girl who was paddling towards me.

Wow, she was beautiful. Her long dirty blonde hair falling out of her messy pony tail. Her sun-kissed skin. Her big brown eyes. She was perfect.

"Well if you're not fast, you're last" she shouted. Wow, she's a stubborn one

"That's my point. I got there first!"

"Obviously not if I got the wave"

"Whatever" I said, paddling away

"Look, I'm sorry" she shouted after me, "you're right, it was your wave, I stole it. Sorry"

"It's cool" I smiled in reply, "no harm done"

"I'm Julie"



End of chapter 10!!!

Sorry that it's a little short 💜

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