Chapter 8

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Picture of Romeo above

Jordyn, Jace and Jaegermeister

I had been texting Chris the whole way up in the car journey. He was still in hospital, was getting out tomorrow

The drive to this food place was so boring. The radio was on and Corey, being Corey, was singing along full volume

"We are the cheeky girls
We are the cheeky girls
You are the cheeky boys
You are the cheeky boys" he sang the song called 'Touch my bum' by The Cheeky Girls

"Corey" mum tutted, "that's horrible. You're a horrible singer"

"Come and smile don't be shy
Touch my bum this is life" he continued to sing

"Touch my bum?" Mum questioned, "what type of song is this"

"A good one. That's what type of song it is"

When we got to the restaurant, Corey and I rushed out quickly as we were starving.

"Erm, no you don't, doors. shut" mum said as she stopped the engine.

"Phones" she said plainly

Oh what, what if she looks at all my stuff. I don't want her seeing any of my texts or going onto my twitter. That stuff's private. 

"Ugh but why mum?" I groaned

"I see what's going on here. You've realised that you chose the wrong outfit and you just don't want me taking a picture of you in that yellow dress, i totally get it" Corey said

"No, because, this is a family day, your aunt Jenn's day and I don't want you guys sitting on your phones texting tabby and tiss all night and" Corey and I snickered

"What?" Mum said coldly

"Tabby and Tiss?" Corey laughed, "Mum, it's Gabby and Chris" we were both killing ourselves laughing.

Mum tutted, "you know what I mean. Now, phones"

We grudgingly handed over our precious iPhone 5's

"Well, well, well, better late than never" my aunt bea said as we walked into the little room which was reserved just for our family.

We all laughed and followed aunt bea to the table.

"So how are you guys?" Aunt bea asked us,

"Good" Corey and I replied in unison following on to then talk to each other,

"See what I mean Beatrix" mum said, "Anti-social" she whispered.

"So, how's the whole soccer thing going?" I asked my brother

"Good, yeah, you should really come to another one of our games, especially since you and Chris are an item now" Corey answered

"I've already been to one of your games"

"Yeah and you read a book the whole way through it"

"Football doesn't interest me, Corey" I said, "I like books and music and surfing"

"I can teach you all about football, if you want?" Corey suggested

"Yeah, alright Corey" I laughed

"Maddys got a boyfriend" I overheard mum say to aunt Bea. How did we even get on to this subject. I don't want to share my love life with my family, eww "his names Tiss"

Ugh, this was going to be a longgg night.

"I know right, it is a strange name" mum hissed to aunt bea

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