As soon as they arrived he headed down to medical and looked in the window at the woman. As expected she had an IV and a feeding tube for the high protein fluid she was going to need, "I'm going to rip that fuckers ass out before I kill him. Might do what Aunt Joli did and have his hide tanned. He's going to feel my displeasure before he is killed. I'm going to send his body to Adam to be put in the cave with the rogue who turned me. He'll never be reborn if I have any say in it!" He was almost screaming by the end. When he slugged the wall he simply couldn't help it.

He didn't realize David and Leon were watching him through the window in the room they were in. When Zane punched the wall both almost blanched when he halfway destroyed it. Leon knew they were below ground but David hadn't realized it yet. As the wall was destroyed the stone and dirt behind it showed. When Zane had destroyed the wall, he cracked the bricks behind the wall and left an imprint of his fist in the dirt behind the bricks.

The local healer came and grabbed Zane's arm, "Stop, you are starting to upset some of the patients. I need to look at your hand as well." He had heard several bones fracture when Zane had punched the wall.

Beth wrapped her arms around Zane and held him as she worked to calm him, "Enough Zane, take a deep breath and let Kat and I help you calm down. The doctor is going to need to fix your hand. If needed I will call Adam and have him command you to relax." It wasn't something she wanted to do but she would.

Zane struggled against what they were sending to him but he couldn't resist. It did take some time before he was calm enough to let the doctor do his thing. Getting his hand set had been painful but he sat through having it done. Once he was he stood, "Need time alone. Need to try and relax and figure out what is going on."

Olivia had walked into the room David and Leon was in shortly after Zane had destroyed the wall. David looked at her, "What happened and why did he hit the wall? Why is he so angry?" He was seeing flashbacks to the mall and now he could tell Zane could have easily killed the two of them.

She sighed, "Because the rogue changed someone else and Zane is feeling responsible. This is a personal attack aimed directly at him. The attacks are designed to get Zane worked up so he will hopefully do something stupid. If he doesn't it is going to soil his name. Both are things Zane takes very personally." She set the tray of food down on the table, "Leon, help me get David to the table. He needs to keep moving." After sitting down, she looked out the window, "His oldest son was badly hurt by a rogue shortly before you woke. He is feeling stressed and not in a good mood. Logan almost died when he encountered the rogue. Give him some time and he'll talk to you."

Both looked down and David wrapped his arms around Leon, "We understand. Leon lost one of his children overseas. She was army and was killed in an attack on the FOB, Forward Operations Base, she was at. He has our sympathy."

Leon didn't say anything though he did lean into David's arms. He forced the tears back and started helping David out of bed. He helped David over to the table, "Later we can get you a shower and into some actual clothes and not the hospital gowns. Our roomies brought some clothing for you. The company was told you were ill and we weren't sure when you would be back."

David had to try to stand several times but with the help of Leon and Olivia he was able to stand. Once he had been helped to the table he looked at Olivia, "Why is Zane letting you help us? Isn't he worried about something happening?" He hadn't met her but knew who she was.

She snorted, "David, if either of you tried to do anything he would kill you. It's that simple. Besides you are just changed and aren't a threat. You might be somewhat stronger than Leon at the moment but you are still a weakling compared to even a Theta wolf like me." Olivia gave him a good look, "David, I'm going to be blunt, get over what happened. If you don't it is going to impact on your wolf and that will impact on Leon. I'm being serious when I say this since I saw what my brother went through when it came to his being turned. It took him almost twenty years for him to finally come to terms with it. It delayed his finding Kat as his mate for that time. Now eat. You need the food to keep changing." She pushed a heavily loaded plate over to him.

Wolf Tech 6: The Pupsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें