Chapter 24

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The Avenger had suited up and were getting ready to leave first they were madding plans. "alright, Izzy you got a plan" Tony asked " Nope, I was planning on winging it like I usually do" Izzy shook her head everyone else groans " I mean if you want. um .... first we're going to have to clear a few blocks to get the people out and contain the destruction second we'll need to corner somehow and third... knock her out? I don't know the third step and suggestions" Izzy said "oh my gosh" Clint said walking away.

"take her powers" Loki spoke up from the corner of the room " I 've been reading your spellbook. I can do some of these spells I could take her power"

"NO I don't like that Idea do see what she can do, do we want him doing that," Sam said 

"Transfer, I could transfer the powers to Izzy, I just need to get close enough, " Loki said 

"Step three ... what he just said"

"you'd be a terrible leader"

"no one asked you, Clint. Now Avengers.... Go? Move? Action? Attack? um........ ASSEMBLE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE" yes, Izzy would make a very terrible leader.

The local police, the Military, and SHIELD were all on the scene they escorted people out and cleared about a mile and half of the area  Loki and Wanda manipulated people who refused to move. The good news was the area was mostly shops, places of business, and a museum  the bad news was a freak sand stormed appeared out of nowhere  causing everyone to run and duck for cover the sand storm lasted no more than a minute but it was strong, strong enough to shatter windows, flip cars, and bend lamp post  and freaky enough to leave statues?  they were statues of what looked like soldiers some had guns others had swords but they all had weapons just standing there with weapons ready.

"we need to move fast" all the Avengers turned around weapons ready to see... Diaval? " those soldiers we probably still for a moment longer before they attack  we need to move now and fast" then he grabbed both Loki's and Izzy's arm and began  to maneuver his way through the soldiers

"where the hell did he come from," Sam said

"no time for that, got to save the world," Steve said 

"we'll make time later Sam," Natasha said pulling out her guns.


Weaving their way through the stone soldiers Diaval lead the way, to where Loki and Izzy had no clue but followed anyways. Loki clenched a spell book to his chest with one arm and held Izzy's hand with the other Diaval took Izzy's other hand. The place around them was in ruins glass and debris scattered all around the clouds above them were dark and dreadful, the mood for battle. Walking for what felt like hours Izzy finally notices where they are heading, the museum. There were twice as many soldiers surrounding the place.

"question, you can turn in to a dragon why are we walking?" Izzy said "and can't you teleport, Loki?" now realizing they've been running this whole time they could have been flying or been there already.

"Isabella, shut up," both men said in union 

Arriving at the museum the three entered to see the place in ruins the exhibits and display case were all over the place, so was sand. "There, " Loki points to a hole which was on the floor the three jumped down into the hole and into the sewers Diaval continued to lead the way.  The farther they went the wetter it got .

"This is as far as I'm taking you" Diaval said they had arrived at some kind of dead end " You've got to swim through there. I don't know how far it goes but I know she's on the other side." he said as he point to the small pool at the end of the tunnel " I said I'd bring you to her I'd help you get to her but I can't hurt her I can't -" 

"Diaval it is okay you got us this far you helped and that is more than enough. Thank you I -" Before Izzy could finish her sentence someone or something  grabbed her ankle and pulled her down into the pool.




I'm back. Sorry for the hold up I had a lot of things  I had to work on and through. Thank you to those who patiently waited.

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